ASO KIDS Dental Park in Shizuoka

JapanASO KIDS Dental Park



🕗 öffnungszeiten

15-16 Kurihara, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8008, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 54-655-2525
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.9915473, Longitude: 138.4281773

kommentare 5

  • 大谷吉継



    It's helpful because I can see the doctor on Saturday. The parking lot was small, but thanks to the security guard, it was easy to get in and out.

  • t L

    t L


    For families who are late for their reserved time, “I just happened to have my next reservation canceled today, so is that okay? You'll be in trouble next time. I can't examine you." I was careful that




    My son has been receiving fluoride since he was 1 year old to prevent cavities. I came to the hospital after hearing that a friend's child was having fun going there. The hospital is like an amusement park, so even children who don't like hospitals can have fun while waiting.The teachers are also kind, so it's easy to come.

  • A A

    A A


    Even though it wasn't listed on the website, when I went there, I was told that it was by appointment only, and that I couldn't see the first visit on Saturdays, but only on weekdays, so I thought it would be a difficult hospital for a working mother to go to. Reservations could only be made by phone, and the receptionist was not very caring towards patients.

  • JM KD

    JM KD


    The waiting room is so unique that you won't even think it's a dentist, and it's a dentist that children will enjoy going to. We place an emphasis on preventive dentistry and provide careful guidance on tooth brushing and eating habits.

nächste Zahnarzt

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