Asia Superstore en Shinjuku City

JapónAsia Superstore



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒169-0072 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Ōkubo, 1-chōme−8−2, Chaleur Shinjuku, 2階
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3208-9200
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6985285, Longitude: 139.7049189

comentarios 5

  • Loren Sosangyo

    Loren Sosangyo


    A lot of selection of thai, philippine, korean products! Delicious fresh desserts! Too bad I didnt get a chance to buy cooked thai food since they only sell it on weekends. Will definitely go back to buy a lot of stuffs. They only accept cash at the moment.

  • Pang Thunyalak

    Pang Thunyalak


    A lot of ingredients from Thailand. There was many fresh vegetables and Thai deserts. The staffs were kindness and they speak both Japanese and Thai.

  • Krishna Rao

    Krishna Rao


    They have fresh herbs Pandan leaves Kaffir lime leaves Fresh Lemongrass and more

  • Avah Atherton

    Avah Atherton


    Good selection of Thai products and ingredients commonly found in Caribbean dishes. Check here for banana leaves, cassava, whole dried coconuts, green papaya, cilantro, green and ripe mangos etc. Prices are good, imo, given the scarcity of these items in particular

  • Kevin Kwok

    Kevin Kwok


    What a hidden gem. This market is packed full of very hard to find Thai food in any country outside of Thailand. It's on the second floor, the staircase is easy to miss but it's right next to the conbini. THIS PLACE IS CASH ONLY. Tons of great sauces and even freshly made desserts. The bad thing about this place is that you'll want to buy everything :)

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