Ashikaga Bank Headquarters i Utsunomiya

JapanAshikaga Bank Headquarters



🕗 åbningstider

4-chōme-1-25 Sakura, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 320-0043, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 28-622-0111
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.566272, Longitude: 139.867558

kommentar 5

  • N Tam

    N Tam


    The customer service was very good, from parking information to in-store procedures. The only dissatisfaction was that the counter for receiving cash was fully open. Even though it wasn't a huge amount from the bank employee's point of view, he was worried about taking home a large amount of cash in a place where others could see it.

  • k1429



    Send documents for limit increase to an email with We cannot respond to individual cases. Aren't you stupid? ? ? ? ? That's why it will collapse Crash again

  • TD改



    I am a complete amateur in business management. After all, it is a regional bank. It is understandable that the company went bankrupt. There are no good human resources.

  • すず



    The guards are kind and greet you properly. The staff members don't even say hello, are the veterans and newcomers alike? The person who appears is also unfriendly. It's not that the customers are great. It is the job. I want you to treat me with a certain attitude. If all you have to do is do what you are told, a robot can do it. This is a place where large sums of money are handled. I thought I needed some attention.

  • Yoshi



    I visited to open an account, etc., and the staff kindly explained and responded to me. However, there are a lot of corporate customers, and I feel like they specialize in dealing with them, so I think I'll probably end up using ATMs, online banking, or counters at other branches. Supplementary Note: It seems unusual for people to go all the way to the main branch to open a personal account. Most of the people around me were also wearing neat suits.

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