Asayama Hospital in Hamamatsu

JapanAsayama Hospital



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476-1 Higashimikatachō, 北区 Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 433-8104, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 53-420-1830
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7842535, Longitude: 137.7283721

kommentare 5

  • Carlos Uehara

    Carlos Uehara


    Even though I am a foreigner, I still receive great support at this hospital. The staff were enthusiastic and helped me fill out the form even though I didn't fully understand Japanese. The doctor who treats me is very polite and always uses easy-to-understand language so that I can understand. (I'm using Google Translate, so sorry if it's hard to understand)

  • la la

    la la


    The other day, when I called to ask my father-in-law to see a doctor, the receptionist sent me to a counselor who asked me a lot of questions about his past history, medical history, family structure, etc., and when I spoke to him, he answered all I could and refused to see him. The counselor told me that the director said that he doesn't know whether or not you can be seen even if you bring a letter of introduction, but is that really true? The counselor told me that they would keep this record, but I got angry because I was not allowed to see a doctor because it was considered personal information.

  • 鋼。



    Last year, I was referred to a doctor by my family doctor when I became physically and mentally ill to the point where I was unable to lead a normal daily life due to fatigue and stress from work. I had heard that the hospital wasn't that bad, but in reality, the doctor pushed me away with heartless words like, ``If stress is the cause, do something about it yourself,'' and ``What do you want to do?'' Not only myself, but also the family members who accompanied me were wondering, ``What is this person talking about?'' I may not be an expert in stress-related symptoms, but I wish they would have mentioned this on the website or told me about it when making a reservation. We patients don't go to the hospital to have to suffer through the pain of being told unkind words...

  • 橘隼人



    When I called 5 minutes after the reception started, I was told that the slots for today were filled and I had to call the next day. When I called the next day as soon as it started, I was told that it was fully booked and that it would be a month in advance. If the job had been booked for a month, wouldn't it have been nice if they had accepted it on the first day's phone call?

  • ふゎりぃん



    We are one of the few psychiatry departments with an ADHD specialist. Perhaps because the media has been focusing on developmental disorders recently, initial appointments for ADHD are booked up to three months in advance.If you are worried about whether or not you have ADHD, please make an appointment as early as possible. It is a reliable hospital with well-equipped equipment and tests. When making a telephone reservation, a psychological counselor will ask you about your actual troubles and any symptoms you may have in mind. Before your consultation, you will also be asked detailed questions about your symptoms, and we will examine you based on these questions. . All the staff are very kind and the stay is comfortable. There is only one bus per hour at the nearest bus stop, Airin, so if you have ADHD and are not good at time management when using the bus, please give yourself plenty of time. (I miss the train and am late every second time...) My doctor, Dr. Takahashi, also has ADHD, so we can talk a lot. 【postscript】 It seems that we are temporarily suspending reservations for new patients with ADHD from August 25, 2018. Check the homepage. [Added on 2019-08-24: Regarding future response to accepting new patients with ADHD] Due to a reduction in the number of working days per week for ADHD specialists, the company has resumed accepting new patients with ADHD, which had been temporarily suspended, by ``expanding acceptance by cooperating with non-specialist doctors.'' I only learned about it from the notice posted in the waiting room, so please contact the hospital for details. [Added on 2019-07-12: Regarding inspection] First, let's talk about intelligence tests, which many people are probably curious about. Because I have an adult developmental disorder, I took the WAIS-III on a different schedule from my medical examination and counseling. In my case, it took about 2-3 hours with the help of a psychologist. The results will be received at the doctor's office about a month later, and will include numerical values, graphs, and characteristics of strengths and weaknesses inferred from the results.At a separate counseling session, the psychologist will directly review the results with you and explain the details. I could also ask you. Next is a blood test. In order to determine whether the medicine can be administered, a blood sample will be taken after the initial examination and before prescribing the medicine. The psychosomatic medicine department I used to go to was very bad (if you are concerned, please refer to my previous reviews), it only took 5 minutes and prescribed a lot of medicine (including medicines that should not be prescribed). I was relieved that it was a reliable medical institution. [About obtaining a disability certificate] After visiting the hospital for more than half a year, I was able to receive a medical certificate to apply for my notebook, which I received about a month later by completing the procedures at the city hall. (Ironically, because I have ADHD, I couldn't really take action...) I am currently on a leave of absence from university for medical reasons, but after returning to school, I am considering using employment transition support to look for a job in the disabled category, and since I use the Entetsu bus to go to the hospital, I am having trouble renewing my Nice Pass. I obtained this because I was able to change the fare to half price by presenting my passport. (Moreover, surprisingly, Nice Pass allows for the combination of student discount and disability discount.) If you would like to use the notebook, it would be a good idea to tell your doctor. If you have a developmental disability or have been diagnosed with another mental illness, you can apply. I hope the above is helpful.

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