Asanogawa General Hospital w Kanazawa

JaponiaAsanogawa General Hospital


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Naka-83番地 Kosakamachi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0811, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 76-252-2101
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 36.5932585, Longitude: 136.6778059

komentarze 5

  • Ryo H

    Ryo H


    I often met doctors who wondered what I meant as a person even if they could cure my illness, but this was different. The doctors and nurses who took care of me were all very nice people, and I'm glad I was able to take care of them here. thank you very much.

  • aya k (山)

    aya k (山)


    I was taken care of here from prenatal checkups to childbirth. Everyone, including the doctor, was kind and I was able to give birth with peace of mind. The food was so-called hospital food, but it was carefully prepared and delicious. Even after I was discharged from the hospital, I had a telephone check-up and was able to consult about my physical condition and breastfeeding, which I was mentally grateful for.

  • やまやま



    This hospital gives priority to nurses who arrive later. I had been waiting for more than 30 minutes to be seen, but a few minutes ago my number increased and a nurse who had arrived a while ago was there to see me. This hospital's reception system makes no sense.

  • nakagawa yukihiko

    nakagawa yukihiko


    I used it for the first time. The doctors and nurses in charge were very responsive and I have no bad impressions. However, I wonder how the reception machines and payment machines are self-service electronic devices. The equipment is probably state-of-the-art and once you get used to it, you'll probably get used to it, but most of the first-time visitors, myself included, had a hard time. There is some dissatisfaction with the introduction of something like this. The only saving grace was that staff were nearby to provide support.

  • 猫生 睦nekomi makoto

    猫生 睦nekomi makoto


    Hospitalized with cancer that metastasized to multiple organs. I asked them to immediately place a stent in the duodenum, but they unilaterally decided to bypass it by surgery, and they told me twice before the surgery that I would be required to strictly manage the pain because I was suffering from cancer pain. The patient was also given low-grade painkillers such as ``acetaminophen and loxonin,'' and no matter what he said, they wouldn't change the medication, and when his family asked, they said something incomprehensible, ``You have to tell him.'' , I ended up spending three days in a sweat. I asked them to take precautions against other things that could happen, but they said, ``It's too early,'' and when they did, it was too late. This hospital is extremely averse to things that don't make money and takes risks, and the remaining life expectancy is further shortened. If you are considering hospitalization for cancer, we recommend that you reconsider. Even if we have facilities such as hyperthermia, people don't actively use them...

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