Asakusa Menchi en Taitō-ku

JapónAsakusa Menchi



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Japan, 〒111-0032 Tōkyō-to, Taitō-ku, Asakusa, 2 Chome−3−3
contactos teléfono: +81 3-6231-6629
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7128708, Longitude: 139.7960784

comentarios 5

  • Alex Ngiam

    Alex Ngiam


    Pretty good meat-based croquettes, very tender and juicy meat. Because business is good, they're constantly frying up the croquettes, so each one you get are piping hot and fresh. Only problem is they don't have English menu. I try making out some of the Kanji and thought they had different kinds of croquettes, however because I didn't want to hog up the queue behind me, I just went with the basic ¥200 one, that turned out to pork based. Still very good croquette, though!

  • Marie Frances Custodio

    Marie Frances Custodio


    One of the best katsu I have ever tasted. Nothing has changed since the last time I have tasted it.

  • en



    2.5 actually ...Perfect fried outsude, greesy meat and full of soup inside. Finely cooked onion mixed with meat. However, not flavorful and no sauce. Not my favorite kind of food.

  • Jey Armani

    Jey Armani


    It was crispy and warm. Very good, I would get this when I come back again.

  • Nongkrong Bareng Tiga Sekawan

    Nongkrong Bareng Tiga Sekawan


    It's a really good local food and it's pretty cheap but always be ready for a long line....come early in the morning around 830 ish

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