Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center in Taitō-ku

JapanAsakusa Culture Tourist Information Center



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Japan, 〒111-0034 Tōkyō-to, Taitō-ku, 台東区Kaminarimon, 2 Chome−18−9
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3842-5566
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.7106662, Longitude: 139.7965591

kommentare 5

  • en

    Wind Kurn


    One building, there are many information about tourism. there is one cafe there. From here can see nakamise, sennoji temple.

  • Carbo Kuo

    Carbo Kuo


    This tourist information center is right in front of the gate of Asakusa temple (sensoji). Very good facility and helpful staff despite the large crowd. There are many free stuff inside to take away like maps. Toilets are free too but usually crowded.

  • Mohammad Ayoub

    Mohammad Ayoub


    The building is across the street from Senso-ji. They offer help in various languages. They took their time to help me in all my questions, they even called some stores to find something an item I was looking for.

  • Elias Cosculluela

    Elias Cosculluela


    Very supportive Staff. They helped a lot with our need for knowledge for events, transportation, discounts and other cities. It's good to make a stop to get more things planned out

  • Mary Dutczak

    Mary Dutczak


    I went there to see the city view of Tokyo, the building is small but it was easily located. You can free information at the fronts and staffs will be so happy to you out and some of them speaks english too. You will have to take the elevator to up the building and you can see the city of Asakusa and even Tokyo sky tree. I decided to go inside the Starbucks but you would have to spent certain amount of money to get the seats but it's about same price and except good is different from American Starbucks.

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