Asakusa Central Hotel w Taitō-ku

JaponiaAsakusa Central Hotel


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒111-0032 Tōkyō-to, Taitō-ku, Asakusa, 1 Chome−5, 台東区浅草1丁目5−3
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3847-2222
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.7114409, Longitude: 139.7941835

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nawin Yanpirat


    It's quite cheap for a room in Asakusa. However, everything in my room was quite dirty and outdated. Dust cover update be found everywhere. Also, there was black mold inside the bathroom too.

  • Leo Yarnold

    Leo Yarnold


    A pleasant budget hotel for the business traveller, singles or couples who don't need frills but do need a private room. So, a couple of things you must know: * This is a budget hotel, not the Hilton. Keep your expectations modest. * The rooms and bathroom are small - not much room to swing a cat let alone a bag. * Very little English spoken here, but you can get by! * Avoid booking a smoking room unless you have no choice - the smoking rooms smell like a cigarette factory but the aircon is cold and removes the smell quickly. Overall, if you can snag this place at a bargain price, do so. Its close to both the Asakusa and Ginza lines, Sensoji Temple is literally 1 minute away, there is some amazing food options nearby and the staff, despite the language gap, are very helpful. Its an older style hotel and the Wi-Fi is poor but if you're spending your time sightseeing, grab a 4G sim instead. The rooms are very clean and well kept. I can't really complain, so give it a go!

  • en

    Albert Lo


    Convenient location and the restaurant as well as other facilities are sufficient. It's a three-stars level hotel and it's very good at this level…

  • A. Darwich

    A. Darwich


    This place is located in the heart of Asakusa, within walking distance from Sensoji and lots of nightlife. Very recommended if you're visiting for sightseeing.

  • en

    Alicia Lum


    Extremely good value hotel especially if you book early. Has everything a solo traveller will need. Clean, well equipped room with friendly hotel staff. A key highlight of the hotel is their public bath that guests can use for free. Used it every night while I stayed there. The hotel is about 5 mins walk away from Asakusa station. Will definitely stay here again when I come back to Tokyo!

najbliższy Kwatera

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