Asakuma w Ichinomiya




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Nishidaido-18-1 Asano, Ichinomiya, Aichi 491-0871, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 586-75-2160
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.295255, Longitude: 136.8258247

komentarze 5

  • じん



    I wanted to eat the student hamburger steak that I used to eat when I was a child, so I went for lunch until the next morning. Enjoy the salad bar until the student hamburger comes ♪ After all, Asakuma's corn soup is the most delicious 😊 I think there are more types of salads than other steak restaurants. The beef tendon curry is sweet, so if you like spicy food, you might not be satisfied with it. I guess it can't be helped because I think it's so that children can eat it too? 😅It would be great if there were spices that could make it spicy lol The student hamburger is finally here ❗️ It tastes like meat 😆 It tastes the same and I couldn't stop refilling my rice 😂 I'll skip breakfast and go again lol

  • DJ V

    DJ V


    Very bad costumer service!!! When you arrive no one approach you… like youre not existed!!!! No no for this place!!!

  • kaenyon nyon

    kaenyon nyon


    Today, I added giant shrimp to a Japanese-style hamburger steak. Buffet food comes with your order. Salads, stews, desserts, homemade waffles, soft serve ice cream, curry, garlic rice, etc. You can enjoy your meal. Because it was Sunday I made a reservation, came to the restaurant, and was immediately shown to my seat. Apparently, the child sitting next to me had a birthday. It was being celebrated. He wrote a message on the cake plate. He was very happy. I thought it would be a good idea to celebrate your child's birthday. The buffet also includes corn soup, garlic rice, curry rice, and salads. Since it was a Sunday, there was a line for the buffet. The customer service of the staff was very good. Parking is available next to the store.

  • Rafa at Japan

    Rafa at Japan


    Very good and delicious food.

  • Maik Heinelt

    Maik Heinelt


    Nice athmosphere mixed with good food!

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