Asai Dental Clinic w Niigata

JaponiaAsai Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

40-1 Ōjima, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0953, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 25-282-5694
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.8798196, Longitude: 139.0217116

komentarze 5

  • 川上幸恵



    You can't be called a professional if you point out every simple writing mistake made by a patient.

  • lla vani

    lla vani


    When I first visited, the teacher was very kind and accommodating, and I have been indebted to her ever since. The dental hygienist was also very responsive and polite, which gave me a very good impression. The inside of the hospital has a cafe-like atmosphere and is clean and neat. This is a dental clinic that I will continue to visit.

  • t wamiko

    t wamiko


    Even though I brought my metal allergy certificate, I was refused a reservation because they couldn't do hybrid ceramic. If you have a certificate, it will be covered by insurance, but you won't get any money? He's the worst dentist ever to say no.

  • aladdin



    《Good points》 ・The teacher is a graduate school graduate and has a doctoral degree. He also participates in academic conferences and learns about modern medicine, so he is reliable. ・High awareness of dental care. There is a homepage and the teacher's blog. I felt that the latest medical equipment was introduced and the technology was very high. ・The staff who answered the phone was very kind. Doctors and dentists tend to respond in random or random ways, but they were very polite, kind, and courteous, and I had a very good impression of them. ・The inside of the hospital is stylish. There are ornamental plants and the toilets are also very clean. The sofa is soft and comfortable. It looks like a small cake shop. It doesn't feel like a medical institution and is very comfortable. ・The unit is a private room. You can receive treatment while wearing your shoes in a spacious private room. It is not a completely closed room, but the passageway is open. -Allows you to take the time you need for treatment. Instead of having to work in multiple units, they set aside an hour or whatever time necessary for the treatment, so you can be properly examined. So far, I have been receiving medical care at a relaxed pace, but I think there is a law in the medical field that prevents patients from refusing treatment, so I don't know if it will remain the same if the number of patients increases in the future. There are only 4 parking spaces, but you rarely have to wait. I've never had difficulty getting a reservation in advance. I hope it won't be so crowded in the future. ・He listens to your complaints properly. They listen carefully to my main complaints and concerns and help me understand. Explanations are easy to understand because images are displayed on the monitor in front of the computer, and if you ask questions about something you don't understand, they will help you understand it. 《What I noticed》 - Difficult to find the first time. It doesn't look like a dental clinic, so first-time visitors may pass by. Look for the brown wooden fence as a landmark. ・There are some parts that are not fully explained. At my first visit, the hygienist takes pictures of my inside mouth, but I'm confused because there isn't much explanation beforehand. Since it is personal information, I would have liked an explanation in advance as to whether it would be used for medical examinations, or whether it might be used in blogs or academic conferences. The hygienist was kind and introduced herself properly, so I was curious about it even though I thought it was a problem with the manual. - Treatments not covered by insurance are 10 to 20% more expensive than the cheapest clinics. I think the prices are reasonably low considering the state-of-the-art medical equipment and doctors who have graduated from graduate schools, but there are other clinics that are cheaper, so it may not be suitable for people who are concerned about price. Personally, I'd rather see a doctor with a graduate school degree than a doctor with a university degree, even if it's a bit more expensive, and I think the results will last longer if you get high-quality treatment from a doctor with guaranteed skills. ・Teacher's pressure is strong. The teacher's voice should be loud and strong to convey the message clearly. If you are a timid person, it may be difficult to ask questions. It may be a little harsh for people who look for kindness and comfort from their teachers. He is not overbearing or overbearing, but he has a lot of vitality and is a serious person, so I think he is a dentist suitable for people who are more conscious. ・The teacher is strict with the staff. There are many situations where teachers give strict guidance to staff. The medical field is an industry where mistakes are not tolerated, and I think people should be extremely precise, so I personally think that this attitude is correct and I like that mindset. However, from a business perspective, the appearance of being harsh on staff while standing next to a patient may leave a very bad impression. “Are you a scary teacher? ” “I’m irritated and wondering if this treatment is okay?” 'The patient also feels anxious. Also, the staff seems a little sad. As a patient, all I want is to receive the best treatment, so I think it's a bit of nonsense to meddle in how the hospital's work should be done, but I think it's better to show patients how to give guidance in a gentle manner, which gives a better impression of the doctor. I feel like it's definitely good.

  • 麻奈美



    The hospital has a clean and calm atmosphere. During the treatment, Mame will talk to you, so you can receive the treatment with peace of mind. The doctor is very clear and explains things in an easy-to-understand manner, and treats me carefully. It seems like I sometimes accidentally (?) say it in a sarcastic way (lol), but it's not to the point where it's particularly unpleasant. The people who answer the phone, the assistants, and the receptionist are kind and courteous. I gave it 4 stars because I was a little disappointed that credit cards cannot be used for regular medical examinations, but other than that I have no complaints.

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