Asahikawa Medical University Hospital in Asahikawa

JapanAsahikawa Medical University Hospital


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1-chōme-1-1 Midorigaoka Higashi 2 Jō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 078-8510, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 166-65-2111
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Latitude: 43.730099, Longitude: 142.3838219

kommentare 5

  • 0521 snap

    0521 snap


    I was taken care of by the ophthalmology department (and pediatrics department when I was hospitalized) for surgery for exotropia. The doctor always explained things in an easy-to-understand manner, and the laboratory technicians and nurses were all kind. thank you very much.

  • むにたま



    For re-examination from local hospital Mammotome biopsy at breast surgery I went to see a doctor to do so. The first contrast agent MRI The size of the hole you put your face in doesn't match. My neck feels choked and I feel sick. (I managed to survive) Perhaps because of this, even while waiting for the biopsy, Alone, face pale from stress, The nurse spoke kindly to me It relieved my tension. I can't move for 30 minutes while doing mammography The scary test that I had heard about Dr. Y, who was in charge of Even if you are busy with tests between outpatient visits. Regardless, ``You can stop this anytime. If you feel unwell, feel free to I can't do it! Please say that.” Thank you for your kind words. This is this doctor Also for the nurses who are encouraging me. Let's finish it without a hitch, I have to try my best no matter what! and I was enthusiastic and inspected it. The teacher said things like “You’re good at it!” and “You’re excellent!” Please encourage me not to get nervous. In a rather peaceful atmosphere No anxiety or pain I was able to overcome the scary test. And really carefully and carefully With the scars that show what you did to me, How the nurse wraps the bandage No cramps or cramps There was no pain after the anesthesia wore off that day. I was surprised. I didn't need painkillers either. About a month later Internal bleeding and scars are almost gone. At the same time, the emotional burden disappears. Thank you very much. This test may leave a hematoma behind. I heard that the scars are painful. Depending on the result, I'll take it anyway. I don't feel the slightest bit of that feeling. I am very impressed with the thoroughness of the biopsy.

  • ma ro

    ma ro


    One day, my heart started hurting and I asked to see a doctor. It turned out to be a psychological problem, but I was grateful that they examined me thoroughly and told me that it was just a matter of my feelings. Also, when a family member died in an emergency when I was young, The detective came and I had to deal with it. The nurse complained to the detective and showed concern because her family had died. I still can't forget it Recently, I have the image of a hospital with various problems. I think there are a lot of good staff members. Also, the food at the restaurant is delicious.




    Thank you for your help with my gynecological surgery. He is currently undergoing regular follow-up visits to the hospital. The doctors and nurses treat me warmly, not only during surgery and hospitalization, but also during hospital visits and tests. It's a university hospital, and many patients come not only from within the city but also from nearby municipalities with referral letters, so I'm prepared for some waiting time. However, I always get angry at the people who calculate the charges. There is a long wait for the fare calculation and payment, and there are times when there is no place to sit and I have no choice but to sit near the entrance. When the number appeared on the screen and I walked to the reception desk, I said something like, ``I've called you many times,'' or ``The number will appear on the screen, so if you look at it, I'll be right there.'' teeth? I understand. The seats are far away. I've been waiting for this one for a long time. Can't you wait a little while? Please stand up and wait until you arrive at the reception desk! If you can't wait, at least don't complain 💢 I think so. Is this something you say to a patient who has been kept waiting for a long time? I get angry, so I try to move my seat to the front as my turn approaches, but I'm annoyed because I don't know why I have to pay attention to the receptionist. The attitude and way of thinking of the company in charge of billing is the worst, so I'm reducing it by 1.

  • 鈴木敬子




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