Asahi Beer Headquarters en Sumida-ku

JapónAsahi Beer Headquarters



🕗 horarios

1丁目-23-1 Azumabashi, Sumida-ku, Tōkyō-to 130-0001, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5608-5111
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7098466, Longitude: 139.8003302

comentarios 5

  • D P Paul

    D P Paul


    Asahi is the famous beer 🍺 brand of Japan. Headquarter of Asahi is nearby river Sumida. Typical landmark for everyone. I have taken the snap from other side of Sumida.

  • David Bernhardt

    David Bernhardt


    A small venue and pricey beers, but with an excellent view of Tokyo, Skytree, and Mount Fuji.

  • Geoff Miller

    Geoff Miller


    Looks nice from the outside, but currently closed for the holidays, reopens on January 2nd.

  • Massi Amrani

    Massi Amrani


    Great place to have a beer and enjoy the view, the menu at the restaurant is pretty basic and the place is kinda small but it's worth it!

  • en

    Owen Corrigan


    The sky bar at the top of Asahi tower has lots of potential but is pretty dang poor in execution. The staff appear not to know what they're doing, when their only role is to pour beer and point people to an empty table. They also impose a queueing system, despite there being clearly empty rows of seats behind them on the day I visited. The views are amazing but the whole interior decor is cheap and tacky. Wipe clean varnished plywood tables reminiscent of a stay in a 1980s budget family holiday camp. Bare magnolia walls with no decoration. No wifi. Hard to find too, with bad signposting. Come on guys, do better.

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