Ariake Dental Clinic i Koto City

JapanAriake Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒135-0063 Tokyo, Koto City, Ariake, 1-chōme−4−11 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5579-6077
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6376056, Longitude: 139.787378

kommentar 5

  • 小林諒栄



    He's a wonderful dentist. The director always welcomes you warmly and has fun chatting with you during your treatment, making you feel relaxed. He has a wealth of specialized knowledge and is always happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding treatment. I made a mouthpiece, and it has improved my sleep quality (proven with the app), and now it's indispensable when I sleep. The atmosphere in the clinic is homey, the reception staff are all very kind, and the dental hygienist's cleanings are so clean that you'll want to come back again. I would like to continue to take care of you.

  • Kenichi



    I came here through my wife's introduction, and the teachers were very kind and made me feel very comfortable. The advice regarding treatment was accurate and they didn't try to postpone treatment, so I decided to come here for treatment from now on. My teeth are clean and I feel great. thank you very much. ^_^

  • R O

    R O


    My wisdom tooth suddenly started hurting, and my family doctor's office was closed, so I came to see the doctor through a friend's referral. Previously, when I had swelling, I was told to go to the university hospital for tooth extraction, but at Ariake Dental Clinic, an oral surgeon from the university hospital comes on Sundays, so I was able to have my wisdom teeth extracted on my day off. I did. It didn't swell as much as I expected, and since I was wearing a mask, I was able to live my life without worrying about it. thank you.

  • !!



    I used this clinic for regular check-ups because it was nearby, and I was worried because the director kept insisting on small treatments every time I went, even though it didn't hurt, but I decided to take the plunge and choose a treatment that would replace my previous fillings. The next day was hell, the pain was so intense that it stopped my ability to think, something I had never experienced before in my life, but when I hurriedly went to see the doctor, he calmly told me, ``There is no choice but to extract the tooth, implant treatment.'' Don't say anything stupid. I was so angry that I wanted to collect compensation. While I was in constant severe pain, I searched for another dentist based on online reviews, and with thorough explanations and treatments that helped me understand the pain, it took some time, but I was able to return to normal without having to have my tooth extracted, even though I received Loxonin. I don't want to remember that time anymore, but I do remember how much I was in severe pain and mentally driven for a month because of the hospital director's unapologetic attitude and what you did. It's frustrating that he doesn't know.

  • Gulnur



    I had a severe tooth pain on my right side upper premolars, and could not bite anything. I had to wait 2 weeks for my reservation day, suffering whole 2 weeks. On the reservation day, i told i am suffering from severe pain, hot/cold sensitivity and wanted a treatment. But after taking x-ray, doctor said it is because my lower tooth is high and needs shaving. Of course i disagreed that shaving down my healthy teeth would not solve the problem. They said they would not treat, and i left the clinic in dismay. I went to other dental clinic, and got the treatment right away. The doctor here prescribed antibiotics, as my upper molar was severely inflamed and needs root canal. I blame Ariake dental clinic for making me lose my precious time waiting, and not treating severely inflamed teeth. I am very surprised they could not spot inflammation even after looking af my xrays. Such a shame that head doctor here does not respect patients opinion, and tries to do everything his way. I would never go back again.

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