Araigawa Dental Clinic i Sendai

JapanAraigawa Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-29-14 Izumizaki, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0031, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-743-6480
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.2196525, Longitude: 140.8696938

kommentar 5

  • 転勤族の妻



    I decided to write a review because I moved to another location at the end of March 2024 🙂 I have lived in Sendai for 2 years. This is the third dentist I went to after transferring. Location⭐️⭐️⭐️Walk from the nearest station Parking available🅿️ I came here without a reservation. When I asked the receptionist, I was told that I would be examined at the time of my reservation. At first, I was grateful that they didn't have to wait long to see me, but then I had to wait in the waiting room for over three hours. Even when I asked the receptionist, I was told that reservations are given priority. If that's the case, shouldn't you tell them the approximate time when you first see the doctor? Only the initial consultation fee was taken, which again was a waste of money.

  • r



    Some people say there is no waiting time, but I was told at the reception that they often have to wait during treatment. Additionally, the treatment span may be longer than 3 weeks. I had root canal treatment, but 1.5 months later, pus started to accumulate in my gums. As a result of being treated by my current family, I found out that the medicine that was put into the roots was not going deep... They were all very good people. Including all of the above, it's 2 stars.

  • 栄田



    This was my first visit for dental caries treatment. When making a reservation over the phone, I was asked polite questions such as which tooth has been hurting and when. It was crowded that day, but at the scheduled time, I was called to the treatment room, my teeth and gums were examined, and then the treatment began. When I was younger, when I went to the dentist to treat cavities, they just scraped the cavities and filled them, so this time the exam was long and I was nervous. For the first time in the test results, it was pointed out that I was clenching my teeth. We will examine your entire oral cavity, jaws, etc. I was left with a good impression of the doctors and staff, who were soft-spoken and thorough in their explanations. You can decide the date of your next visit at the time of checkout, so bring your notebook with you to make the decision more smoothly.

  • 宮城その日その時その瞬間



    I was treated for canker sores. The doctor's treatment is very good. Unfortunately, I was not able to confirm her name, but the chubby woman at the reception desk was unfriendly and made me feel bad. Even though they treated new patients with great care, are they discriminating against me? Even though I didn't do anything wrong. This experience is true. I decided that I should write about it based on word of mouth, so I wrote it.

  • ゆびちゃん



    Reservations are required and there is almost no waiting time. The doctor explained everything in detail and told me the treatment costs upfront, so I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind! The other staff members are also courteous. The next reservation was also smooth. The waiting room is small, but clean, and reservations are required, so you can rest assured that you won't have to spend too much time with other people. I look forward to continuing to take care of you through regular check-ups.

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