Arai Ryokan in Izu

JapanArai Ryokan



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Sonntag24 stunden geöffnet
Montag24 stunden geöffnet
Dienstag24 stunden geöffnet
Mittwoch24 stunden geöffnet
Donnerstag24 stunden geöffnet
Freitag24 stunden geöffnet
Samstag24 stunden geöffnet
970 Shuzenji, Izu, Shizuoka 410-2416, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 558-72-2007
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.970497, Longitude: 138.926686

kommentare 5

  • Yi-Ching Chiang

    Yi-Ching Chiang


    The front desk lady was not polite today, and the location was bad, but there was no shuttle service, so there was a long walk to the hotel.

  • Quinn Oaks

    Quinn Oaks


    Spectacular place. Traditional Japanese hot baths. They welcome you at the entrance, guiding you through the check-in, instructions, and a map of the rooms. They walk you to your rooms and provide hot tea and answer any questions you have. If you don’t want to use the public baths, you can reserve times for the private bath. Rooms are traditional (basic) but amazing views of the grounds (ponds with koi fish and trees). There is an AC in the room and a bathroom (they call the hot springs baths, so don’t get confused). Breakfast and dinner are included in the stay. They are not Western meals, be prepared for interesting foods. You sleep on traditional futons and there’s not a lot of space for luggage. Grab an extra pad in the closet if the floors are too hard. The hot spring baths are amazing for a soak and a shower.

  • Giovanni Brusetti

    Giovanni Brusetti


    After 5 holidays in Japan and 3-4 onsen Ryokan stays per trip I have a few anchor points as a gaijin to give fair judgment. Arai Ryokan is very, very pretty. As pretty as Shuzenji, which in terms of beauty it only compares in my mind with Kurokawa Onsen in Kyushu. A must visit. The Ryokan is expensive. Very expensive, especially if you travel solo. But food, facility and rooms are also top notch. I take 1 star away from my review because the hotel refused to apply a discount which was supposed to be passed on by the booking site. It was never passed on, and it wasn't the ryokans fault, but I would have expected and appreciated a commercial gesture (they have seen the email from the booking site, they knew I wasn't lying to get a rebate lol). If not a discount, I would have appreciated a small gesture or gift (again using my anchor points with my other 12 or so Ryokan stays) Also, got charged 220 yen for natto, which was a bit weird vs other Ryokan experiences I had. And wasn't properly wished farewell on my way out. Finally, I had booked a package with a guided tour of Shuzenji but they didn't offer me the option to do it. For these last few reasons I take another star away. Other than that, a solid choice for those who can afford it!

  • Vikki Timler

    Vikki Timler


    Charming historical ryokan. Beautiful place & location. Convenient for exploring. Very chilly between parts of buildings & often lacking railings on stairways which wasn't great for elderly person in group. Provided slippers were dangerous, especially on stairs as they slip off. Staff kind but limited English. Food was excellent if you are adventurous re local cuisine. Onsen lovely.

  • Seiji Matsumura

    Seiji Matsumura


    A number of great public and private baths (onsens), especially the heritage bath. Great service and food - a brilliant place to experience traditional Japanese style Ryokan. Highly recommended for visiting during Spring or Autumn as heating might not be the best.

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