AQUA石井歯科 in Ube




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4-chōme-8-20 Matsuyamachō, Ube, Yamaguchi 755-0026, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 836-37-1717
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.9364309, Longitude: 131.258348

kommentare 5

  • それスノ



    It is a crime to shill word of mouth or make your own work. If you are thinking of going to this dentist, I recommend that you check the lowest ratings carefully. What is the point of a doctor in having an unqualified person perform surgery? It's just a crime, isn't it? The director's cursing continues as usual. impossible. And the car is always empty. If the good reviews are true, wouldn't the parking lot be nearly full? Above all, I feel really uncomfortable. I often hear from people around me that I don't want to go there again, or that it's better not to go there. I haven't heard anything good...

  • やさ



    I had my gums shaved here a few years ago. Recently, when I took an X-ray at a different dentist, I learned that part of my front tooth was missing and had been replaced. When I failed, I was not told about it and was buried in silence. It's too bad. During my treatment, my silver tooth came loose and I was told that the only option was an implant because the tooth had a lot of cavities.When I went to a different dentist for a second opinion, I was told that it wasn't a cavity. Even during the treatment, I only remember him yelling, being abusive, and being harassed by power.

  • はな



    I have had weak teeth and have been to many dentists, but this is the first time I have felt so uncomfortable. The atmosphere is bad, the language is bad, and they look down on the patients. The hospital also lacks a sense of cleanliness. ``This is a place where people who have been referred come here, not a dentistry place where someone like you can just wander in.'' As someone like me who has endless problems with my teeth, I was so desperate that I spent an hour going to see him, but he couldn't see me.Are there any hospitals that are that unfriendly, regardless of the dental field? lol I felt really sad.

  • ちーた



    I am currently in the hospital for Invisalign correction! The good thing about choosing this method is that you don't have to take a mold for inspection and only need a special camera! I have a strong gag reflex and was really bad at taking impressions, but this camera helped me out. I don't think there is a dentist near me that has the latest equipment like this, so I highly recommend it!

  • タクシンソムバット



    She has been featured in a book, has published a book herself, has many qualifications, and has been highly rated by many people, so I decided to get an implant here. As a result, I felt that my skills in implant surgery were solid, but if you want to consider treatments other than implants, I think you should think carefully before proceeding. I was transferred to the hospital after being hospitalized for over a year. ●Good points ①Sure surgical skills The first tooth Ⓐ was treated with three surgeries (alveolar bone regeneration, implant, and secondary implant) after tooth extraction, and the procedure was excellent and it is in good condition even after the treatment. ② A teacher who speaks clearly And the explanation is clear. ●Points of concern ③ Bad atmosphere As other people have written, the doctor often nagging the staff during treatment, and the atmosphere is not good. If you interpret it in a good way, it can be said that they are focused on the quality of treatment and are passionate about providing guidance, but I would like them to do it behind the scenes. ●Others ④ More than a year after I started visiting the hospital for tooth Ⓑ, I was told, ``The only option is to extract the tooth and get an implant. Neither bridges nor dentures are applicable.'' I almost said, ``Oh, so you've been examining me from the beginning!'' After I was transferred, the doctor at another hospital treated me thoroughly and carefully. I almost lost a tooth and expensive treatment costs. ⑤After the second surgery for tooth Ⓐ, he said, ``There wasn't enough bone, so I put in an extra piece of bone.It costs ¥0,000.'' I wish he had told me something first because he was conscious during the surgery. ⑥ When I tried to pay the entire implant surgery fee in advance, the contract stated that ``the advance payment once paid will not be refunded for any reason.'' This means that you will not be refunded even if your treatment is interrupted due to a disaster, accident, illness, death, or other force majeure, or if the hospital fails to comply due to various circumstances. Therefore, I chose to pay in cash each time. ⑦About a year after I started going to the hospital, my tooth Ⓒ started to hurt, but the doctor told me, ``This needs to be extracted,'' and had it removed. At this time, I almost said, ``Wait, you've been examining me from the beginning!'' After that, I was recommended implants, but when I asked for other treatments, someone said to me, ``Why not implants? Is it for economic reasons? It's cheap because it improves the quality of life. There are also loans available.'' there was. The reason I didn't want to get an implant was that the surgery was too tough and I didn't want to undergo any more, and the treatment period would be long.I told her that, but the same conversation happened about 3 times during my visit to the hospital. (As a side note, my house is a detached house in a relatively high-end residential area in the city and I don't have a mortgage. I commute to the hospital in the light car I use for work, but I usually drive a new Mercedes AMG that I bought with cash.) I was asked the same question over and over again, which was very unpleasant. This is the trigger for transfer. After I was transferred, my doctor recommended a bridge and said, ``It will help you chew properly.'' This is a long post, but the pros of implants are certain, so if you are a good candidate, I think it would be a good idea to get it checked out.

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