APizza Ikebukuro Rikkyo street shop en Toshima-ku

JapónAPizza Ikebukuro Rikkyo street shop



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒171-0021 Tōkyō-to, Toshima-ku, Nishiikebukuro, 5 Chome−2−3
contactos teléfono: +81 3-6914-1818
sitio web: a-pizza.me
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7313056, Longitude: 139.7056808

comentarios 5

  • en

    Alex Huang


    Cozy little shop serving great tasting personal pizzas. Definitely worth a try.

  • en

    Jeffrey Zheng


    Great pizza place. Love the soft, doughy crust!

  • Mirko Mignini

    Mirko Mignini


    The best italian Pizza in Tokyo! Cheap and very good

  • Tharun Mohan

    Tharun Mohan


    Its about 7 minutes walk from the Ikebukuro station, its nice and cozy with comfy seats and good service, we had a Apple/Soya drink, Chocolate/Soya drink, Margarita pizza and Pepperoni pizza, the service was really quick and the food delicious!!! Lactose free and gluten free haven, the mini pizzas starts from yen400 and soft drinks around Yen320, will definitely come here again. P.s Seria (100 yen store) is only few yards from here ;)

  • Serina Gee

    Serina Gee


    Nice cozy spot with no wait or reservations. The toppings were good but the cheese didn't stick well to the pizza and they were a little doughy/slightly underbaked. I'm being finicky, however. The pizzas come at a good value, about 500 yen for a personal sized pizza and taste pretty darn good for that price point. There's a good variety, mostly classic comminations, and you can choose how it's cut. I enjoyed eating here and it was a good refuge from the rain.

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