Apetaito Toda i Warabi

JapanApetaito Toda



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒335-0004 Saitama, Warabi, Chūō, 6-chōme−16−22 第一NKフラット
kontakter telefon: +81 48-420-9766
internet side: www.apetaito.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.8190727, Longitude: 139.6817322

kommentar 5

  • 0083ラキア



    The food itself isn't bad, but having noisy children and letting them wander around barefoot is terrible. Moreover, the soles of my feet are black 😓 The inside of the store is also dirty so I don't think I'll go again.

  • 品川隼人



    A store owner who smokes cigarettes at the customer's table during business hours. There's no sign of smoking or non-smoking inside the store, so I wonder if it's a good idea. I don't know. The moment I entered the store, I saw them disappearing in a hurry, and I lost my appetite. The taste of Yakisoba is usually delicious, but I won't come back.

  • H S

    H S


    Visited for lunch. A set of yakisoba and miso marinated pork bowl. The pork bowl on the side, the delicious sauce entwined with the rice, was perfect. Main yakisoba. The noodles and vegetables were stir-fried thoroughly in oil, so it was a bit spicy. The taste of the sauce was also a bit bland and I didn't like it. Will it be different at other stores?

  • ladylyn lomibao

    ladylyn lomibao


    Super yummy!

  • Turbileg



    I usually don't like Yakisoba but it is amazing here

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