アパホテル東新宿駅前 w Shinjuku-ku



brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒169-0072 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Ōkubo, 1 Chome−1, 大久保1丁目1−48
kontakt telefon: +81 3-5287-4111
strona internetowej: www.apahotel.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6983619, Longitude: 139.7072209

komentarze 5

  • Photo Prop Floors And Backdrops

    Photo Prop Floors And Backdrops


    Accommodates us at the very LAST minute late night after our AirBnb failed us. Check in was easy and smooth. The rooms are small but typical for Japan and I made it work for me. The bed was one of the most comfortable hotel beds I’ve had. The pillows are flat but I brought my own so I was happy. Has fridge, desk, and I had two big windows. The bathroom even had a small tub for soaking which was awesome after walking for hours each day. Location was convenient. Cleaning staff for the 6th floor is excellent. Even though I put up a do not disturb she wanted to make sure I had everything I needed as each morning when she saw me and to give me my free water. So sweet. Desk staff was friendly. Vending machine (drinks) and coin op washer dryer downstairs. So close to the subway!! Tons of restaurants and stores right outside. Walking distance to Shinjuku’s night life. I would stay at an APA Hotel again if I had the chance.

  • kia k

    kia k


    Great Hotel! Love staying at APA resorts as the quality is always high and service is really good!

  • en

    Celeste Baby


    AWFUL. HARD PILLOWS, NOISY SIRENS, CENTRALISED HEATING MAKES ALL ROOMS BOILING HOT. NO AIR VENTS. NO ROOM for luggage space or clothing rack. Was told to open the windows if our rooms were too hot!? But all you hear are sirens outside. Not helpful reception area. Frustrating. Feels like Airbnb place. Only good if u are out all day and come back to sleep. Prob worst if u want to stay in the hotel because it’s raining wet outside. Customer service is a joke, they need to be better trained. The girl who tried to check us in didn’t do a good job because when we came back (we were early) we had to recheck in again and the guy doing the afternoon shift made us provide our passport and details again and payment! Really disappointed and dissatisfied with their service. They can’t go beyond what is required in satisfying a customer at all besides apologising.

  • Jithender Pedda

    Jithender Pedda


    Overall a satisfying experience of staying for 2 weeks. Aminities are good. Room size was very small.

  • Steph Col

    Steph Col


    So for about $100 a night we got our own bathroom a small desk and a full as bed, but with bearly any room to walk around. Realstate is very expensive in Tokyo so I f3el like we got a good deal. The train station is on the same block and there is MacDonald across the street and 2 7/11 on its block. This is also about a 8 min walk to Shinjuku red light district where Godzilla is.

najbliższy Kwatera

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