Aoyama Flower Market Minami Aoyama head office en Minato-ku

JapónAoyama Flower Market Minami Aoyama head office



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒107-0062 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Minamiaoyama, 5 Chome−1−2 青山エリービル1F
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3486-8787
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6647255, Longitude: 139.7127806

comentarios 5

  • Melanie Bouvier

    Melanie Bouvier


    I’ve heard a lot about the tea house inside the Flower Market and finally had the chance to try it. We went there for lunch, since we arrived just before the rush, we didn’t have to wait and got a table as soon as we arrived. I suggest you to go around 11:30, before the rush of 12:00. The ambiance is fantastic, there are flowers everywhere and it’s pretty quiet. The menu doesn’t have a lot of choices, but all of the items are quite different. Everything that we had was deliciois! They also have a great selection of tea. The lunch set (soup, salad, main dish and a drink) is around 2000¥.

  • Liisa Stenberg

    Liisa Stenberg


    Amazing cafe with amazing interior and so beautiful food. The wait time is about 30min on weekday but if you come early or very late, it’s not that bad. On weekends and holidays I would not try to get in as ot can take even 1,5h. Choose a quiet day and it’s going to be lovely.

  • Liisa Stenberg

    Liisa Stenberg


    Amazing cafe with amazing interior and so beautiful food. The wait time is about 30min on weekday but if you come early or very late, it’s not that bad. On weekends and holidays I would not try to get in as ot can take even 1,5h. Choose a quiet day and it’s going to be lovely.

  • Dian Hazwani

    Dian Hazwani


    Came around 3pm. The line was bearable during weekdays. Enjoyed my afternoon there at the Tea House. Fresh flowers sold at the main store where you can find the Tea House at the back of the flower market. Cozy and classy tea house with nice music played over the stereo. The ambiance is so magical. Had french toast and two teas one is strawberry and one is Earl Grey. Would recommend the strawberry tea, it was tasty! Menu is limited. They are known for french toast, ice creams and teas. Great staff whom served customers with smile. Spoken in good English too. You can buy small souvenirs from the tea house and the flower market as well. Got myself a couple of perfumes from the flower market at reasonable prices! Definitely will return for afternoon tea. What an amazing experience!

  • Dian Hazwani

    Dian Hazwani


    Came around 3pm. The line was bearable during weekdays. Enjoyed my afternoon there at the Tea House. Fresh flowers sold at the main store where you can find the Tea House at the back of the flower market. Cozy and classy tea house with nice music played over the stereo. The ambiance is so magical. Had french toast and two teas one is strawberry and one is Earl Grey. Would recommend the strawberry tea, it was tasty! Menu is limited. They are known for french toast, ice creams and teas. Great staff whom served customers with smile. Spoken in good English too. You can buy small souvenirs from the tea house and the flower market as well. Got myself a couple of perfumes from the flower market at reasonable prices! Definitely will return for afternoon tea. What an amazing experience!

Florista más cercano

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