Aomono-yokochō Station en Shinagawa-ku

JapónAomono-yokochō Station


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Japan, 〒140-0004 Tōkyō-to, Shinagawa-ku, Minamishinagawa, 3 Chome−1, 品川区南品川3丁目1−20
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3474-7589
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Latitude: 35.6089611, Longitude: 139.7430377

comentarios 5

  • tsurutv tsuru

    tsurutv tsuru


    Name "Aomono Alley" (青物横丁)comes from the fact that farmers were delivering vegetables (Aomono, 青物) to this area in the Edo period and opened the market here. In the Edo period, the Shinagawa Inn (品川宿)was familiar to travelers as the first lodging of Tokaido fifty-three stations. Shinagawa, along with Oi(大井), Omori (大森)and Kamata(蒲田), was a village prospering in half-farming and half-fishing, and the farmers brought the harvested vegetables by themselves and traded at certain place, later developed as a market, and it came to be called "Aomono Alley". This market expanded its scale, developed until a large greengrocer got in the eaves, crowded until the early Showa era. The history of this area is old, there are many temples that were built between the Heian and Muromachi periods. Established by Kobo Daishi Kukai (弘法大師空海) at Heian era Shinagawaji (Honshinji) (品川寺(ほんせんじ)and Tenmyōkokuji Temple (天妙国寺) built by the Kamakura period are the most famous.

  • ja

    airline yatapara



  • ja




  • にゃんこゴールド




  • Keigo Tan Jiong Hao

    Keigo Tan Jiong Hao


    A lot of Food Stalls, Take Aways & Convenience Stores in the area.

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