Aoikai Sendai Hospital i Sendai

JapanAoikai Sendai Hospital



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Japan, 〒984-0030 Miyagi, Sendai, Wakabayashi Ward, Araihigashi, 1-chōme−6−8
kontakter telefon: +81 22-380-1000
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.240306, Longitude: 140.9499334

kommentar 5

  • 果汁メロン(メロ)



    Be careful of Dr. Sai〇〇, who wears the glasses of an internist. I can't get a proper medical examination. Are you really a doctor? Are you okay? It's like he's mumbling something. Be careful with this one. Other than that, good.

  • キラキラひっさ



    My father took great care of me from the end of July to mid-September 2023. The doctors, nurses, and staff members in charge. Despite his busy schedule, he provided appropriate explanations, responded with sincerity, and even gave us a final inspection. I am deeply grateful. thank you very much.

  • ドラケン



    My mother suffered a broken bone and was hospitalized for rehabilitation. I read the reviews before going to the hospital and they didn't give me a very good impression, but they gave me detailed explanations about what to expect when I was hospitalized, and they were very kind. My mother, who was hospitalized, also said that it was a good hospital, so I felt relieved.




    Thank you for your help during my medical checkup. The hospital was very nice and clean, and the examinations and consultations went smoothly. I was nervous about the barium test, but the X-ray technician was very kind and handsome.

  • ゆきぽよよん



    I will be temporarily hospitalized until a vacancy becomes available at the hospital I am being transferred to. I was concerned because the reviews were not good. When I was transferred to the hospital, I was told, ``I'm saying goodbye here,'' even though I was still alive and well because of the coronavirus pandemic. This word is used during cremation and when closing the coffin. My parents are still alive. Since she is in a vegetative state, I knew from previous reviews that her oral care was sloppy, so I was worried. He was proud of his ceramic, pure white teeth, just like those of celebrities. I wanted to make sure she was clean when she regained consciousness. The family was trying through trial and error to provide care at home, but the worst thing happened... It takes less than 3 minutes by car to get to the hospital. The whole family gathered, but each person took turns meeting for 5 minutes, filling out paperwork and having their temperature taken each time. Please everyone leave the hospital premises! It will soon be time for the flame of life to go out and I will be in a private room. Even though my whole family was there, no one was able to see me at the end. After that, I was asked every 5 or 10 minutes if there was no mortuary, asking if the funeral home had yet to pick me up, and if I died, would it be trash? I still regret it. I wish I hadn't been transferred to the hospital. My parents' ears were jet-black and necrotic (necrosis is hard to imagine during hospitalization, but it's true), and none of their proud teeth were missing. Mysterious bruises on my face and limbs. It was a terrible end after being hospitalized for a little over a month. Since they are important parents, they should have stopped them till the end because the reviews were not good. I was left with a lifelong regret. No one said anything about a trial because they were so exhausted by the sudden departure and the brutal corpse. I decided to leave a review in hopes that no other family members will feel the same way about improving the hospital.

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