ANA Crowne Plaza Osaka, an IHG Hotel i Osaka

JapanANA Crowne Plaza Osaka, an IHG Hotel


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1-chōme-3-1 Dōjimahama, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0004, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6347-1112
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6956294, Longitude: 135.4982976

kommentar 5

  • Patricia Goh

    Patricia Goh


    We stayed in the family room. The sink is rather low probably for the kids to reach. The water pressure for the shower was really good. The tub was very clean. We asked for extra foam pillows and slept really well. No traffic noise. We have a great 5 nights stay! About 10 mins walk to the station. A convenience store is just down stairs. Yakitori restaurant nearby was great! Reasonably priced. Must order the giant grilled onigiri

  • Crystal Ng

    Crystal Ng


    I am a guest at this IHG hotel in Japan, and I am absolutely stunned that they charged me for a simple bottle of water when I am sick in my room. As a paying guest, in a four star hotel, I should not have to pay extra for basic amenities like drinking water. This is completely unacceptable, especially for a major hotel chain like IHG. When I brought this up to the staff, they apologized, but their tone was incredibly arrogant and dismissive. I'm really disappointed in the poor customer service and lack of basic hospitality at this hotel. The staff acted like it was no big deal, which only demonstrate poor customer service standard. The room itself was fine, but the fact that they nickel and dime guests for things like water is inexcusable. I will never stay at this hotel again and I highly discourage anyone else from booking here. There are plenty of other hotel options in the area that provide a more reasonable and hospitable experience for guests. Very disappointed in the excessive fees and overall attitude at this IHG location. Plus I found a tissue rubbish in the room when I walked in. The room IS NOT CLEAN.

  • Genesis Cedeno

    Genesis Cedeno


    The check in process was rather painless and quickly. We are a family of four, and spacing was a concern for us since most places seem to mainly offer twin beds, this hotel offered a double Queen size bed making it comfortable size wise and also bed was comfortable as well. The room was very clean and spacious enough and the bathroom was clean as well. The breakfast was our favorite part of the stay, there was a great variety, more than we usually experience at other hotels. The food was amazingly good and even though we are foodies and came to Japan to experience the food, we couldnt skip breakfast here. The staff were very nice and all spoke english. It was great located and we had quick access to most train stations and bus stations. I have nothing negative to say, only positive and Highly recommend this hotel. Should I come back to Osaka, will surely stay here again!

  • Mandi Kaur

    Mandi Kaur


    Spacious room (though we were upgraded to a queen bed room). Good location as there's convenience stores nearby and the stations are close too! The area in tbe evening has an interesting set of people around but we didn't feel unsafe. Nice extra amenities like bath powder and gentle steam eye masks. Good view from the 16th floor. And we forwarded baggage here from Kyoto and it was all ready for us when we got here. Universal was a 30 min train ride away and fairly easy to get to.

  • Sandi Grace

    Sandi Grace


    Room and bed are smallish but this is typical for Japan. The room was fairly clean. The bed was comfortable. The view out of the window was great. The restaurant for breakfast was lovely and we really enjoyed some cheeky cocktails in the bar at night. I found the customer service to be very good. Would happily stay here again.

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