Alzo i Hiroshima




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1-chōme-10-66 Toshimatsu, Saeki Ward, Hiroshima, 731-5106, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-926-2101
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.3963027, Longitude: 132.3636061

kommentar 5

  • e no

    e no


    There are large carts lined up outside the entrance, but you can't see any baskets, making it inconvenient for small purchases. Other than that, it's no different from other stores.

  • 欽ちゃん



    It was my first time going here and I was a little lost as I had to turn down a narrow road from the main road. Parking and bicycle parking are available, and there is a separate parking lot. Near the entrance, one medium-sized roasted sweet potato was sold for around 150 yen. Generally, places where roasted sweet potatoes are cheaper are generally cheaper. It's unusual because the cart is huge and you can directly add items to it.

  • プーチン



    I often buy sashimi, and the roasted sweet potatoes are cheap and creamy. They're easy to see and there are a lot of great deals.

  • Ash465778



    Although I have some doubts as a company, I would like to express my impressions as a shopper. The parking lot in front of the store used to be crowded with cars, but now that a new parking lot has been built, there is no longer a long wait. First of all, before evaluating the store, the quality of the shoppers is the worst. There are only customers who don't want to walk and want to have fun. A parking lot has been set up in front of the store for people with disabilities, but everyone, including him, parks there as a matter of course. (See image). I thought it was too common that all the parking lots in front of the store were for wheelchair users, but I guess that's because there are circumstances in which abnormal traffic jams occur in front of the store when you could just walk. However, customers from Saeki Ward do not have a good impression of other stores. No other store offers a service where a store clerk will put the item in a bag for you for 3 yen. Even so, looking at the reviews, it seems that there are a certain number of customers who are stingy with their complaints. The cash register is polite and doesn't feel sloppy, so I don't think it's bad at all. As for the company's stance, the commercials that have been running recently seem to be aimed at young people by using famous voice actors, even though they seem to be low-budget. The store has a tendency to proactively adopt new systems, such as introducing the Manso card before the tax increase and introducing semi-self-checkout systems relatively ahead of other stores. You can shop in the store very comfortably without having to pass each other. There is a slight wait at the register, but compared to stores like The Big Itsukaichi, there is a huge difference. Some of the items are very cheap, but many are not so cheap compared to other cheaper supermarkets. There is a fully stocked refrigerated and frozen section. The store also provides services that other stores do not have, such as a cash register. Considering how busy other stores in the area are when it comes to filling shopping bags, the system that allows shoppers to exit the store smoothly is an excellent feature.

  • むすびーて



    I happened to be passing by and went in. Around noon on the weekend, the parking lot was about 30% empty and the customer base was varied. I didn't notice how crowded the store was at all. The apricot pie was on sale for 99 yen, so I bought it to see what it was like. The pie crust is crispy and the apricot filling has a strong presence and is very delicious. Maybe I'll go again for this? It's nice to have Celia next door.

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