Akua Dental Clinic i Matsuyama

JapanAkua Dental Clinic


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Japan, 〒791-0245 Ehime, Matsuyama, Minamiumemotomachi, 甲1263−5
kontakter telefon: +81 89-955-6666
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Latitude: 33.7965732, Longitude: 132.8361311

kommentar 5

  • 1024 yukori

    1024 yukori


    Please take appropriate action quickly! The teachers and staff are kind, the waiting room is clean, and I have been using this clinic for over 10 years without any complaints.

  • 冒険太郎



    By chance, in my small workplace, I discovered that there were two people who had undergone treatment there and changed dentists after getting worse. Furthermore, a child of a co-worker's acquaintance was undergoing orthodontic treatment and was no longer able to speak, so I wonder if he was taken to the prefectural hospital? He was hospitalized and underwent oral surgery. There aren't many patients and it's easy to make an appointment, so it might be a good idea if you only have early cavities. By the way, my husband and I used to do this together, but now that we are divorced, my wife has opened Niko Dental Clinic.

  • 華華



    I get the impression that the explanations are easy to understand and the treatment is thorough. When I see that the staff are given thorough guidance, I think that they are paying close attention to the treatment recipients. Since I can receive treatment with peace of mind, I naturally choose Aqua Dental Clinic for my children's regular checkups. My children have visited different dentists when Aqua Dental is closed, but they said Aqua Dental is better.

  • きのこはま



    I'm scared and will never go there again. I had been undergoing medical examinations for a long time. I had a cavity on my front tooth. Even though I told you I was pregnant, I had my teeth pulled out and replaced. The risks of anesthesia were not explained to me at all, and even during the treatment, when I told her, ``I'm 6 months pregnant,'' she completely ignored me! It was a female doctor.

  • ponta n

    ponta n


    I often hear stories of people quitting because of power harassment. Especially newcomers. I won't write the details, but these are children who have become new members of society and don't know what's right or left. As a new member of society, no matter how harsh the treatment, he seemed reluctant to even tell the labor bureau, and I felt really sorry for him.

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