Aコープ富沢店 味都市場 en Nambu

JapónAコープ富沢店 味都市場



🕗 horarios

2705-3 Fukushi, Nambu, Minamikoma District, Yamanashi 409-2102, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 556-66-1050
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.2418567, Longitude: 138.4826229

comentarios 5

  • わかめちゃん



    It's a small supermarket in the countryside. The side dishes are delicious, but I think the prices are a little high. The vegetables are always not fresh, the leaves are withering, and the cucumbers are starting to go bad. 😱

  • あらいゆみこ(あらいぐま)



    Yesterday, there was a nice turnip at the entrance of the store. Today, I made miso soup with turnips and fried tofu.😊✌️ The turnips were so soft and delicious that I had to get a second helping.😊✌️

  • 小泉あんこ



    The sashimi type is okay in terms of freshness, but I don't think the others are good. Sometimes products with expired expiration dates are displayed.

  • アラフィフクイーン



    Yesterday, on my way to Nanbu-no-Yu, I took a detour and bought a bento box and some side dishes sold by weight, which were delicious. The bento box had a great number of side dishes and the seasoning was perfect (including lots of vegetables), and for about 400 yen, I was grateful that there was so much variety.

  • takashi watai

    takashi watai


    The side dishes were delicious, the prices were reasonable, and the staff was very responsive. It was a very good store that made me want to have one like this nearby.

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