Akiyamakyosei Dental Clinic w Matsudo

JaponiaAkiyamakyosei Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒271-0091 Chiba, Matsudo, Honchō, 1−1, Shoueikan B.L.D, 3F・4F
kontakt telefon: +81 47-361-2660
strona internetowej: www.akiyama-kyouseishika.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.7835971, Longitude: 139.8997165

komentarze 5

  • Takuyan



    I went there to relieve stiff shoulders and other muscle tension caused by misaligned bites, but I was told that surgery might be necessary, so I was told that surgery might be necessary, so I was told that I might need surgery, so I was referred to another hospital without being examined. (I didn't feel like going to other clinics because they only had 1 reviews) I had the impression that orthodontics focused on straightening the teeth and did not give much thought to the adjustment of the body's balance caused by misaligned bites, which did not suit me. I found a dental clinic in Tokyo that uses a machine to measure muscle tension caused by misaligned bites, corrects the bite, and corrects the balance of the body, so I decided to go there.

  • 五十嵐萌



    I had orthodontic treatment done at this dentist. The treatment was explained in detail and in an easy-to-understand manner, including costs and treatment methods, and the orthodontic period was completed sooner than expected. My teeth are now straight and I am very happy.

  • みみてん



    The doctors, staff, and hygienists were all cheerful and kind. My teeth are now aligned and I am very satisfied. I would recommend it to anyone around me who is having trouble.

  • 23 8

    23 8


    I am taking care of two children. The hospital is always clean. Everyone treats me in a friendly manner and treats me in a comfortable manner. There is also a dentist, so I can make reservations and receive treatment according to my child's needs, which is very helpful.

  • 中村彩莉



    I chose her because she was a female doctor, and everyone treated me with kindness and care, so I'm glad I chose her! Regarding the alignment of my teeth, she suggested things that could be fixed a little more, which made me very happy!

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