Akita Kawashiri Post Office en Akita

JapónAkita Kawashiri Post Office



🕗 horarios

5-27 Kawashirimiyoshimachi, Akita, 010-0945, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 18-823-9633
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 39.7117578, Longitude: 140.0986964

comentarios 5

  • ゆきんこきたの



    There is a delivery man who keeps knocking even after I answer, which is scary. Most of the time they don't have a good attitude. It can't be helped because the hallway is long. Are you someone who lives in a small house?

  • みみエリザベス



    I went there regarding an absentee postcard, but the response was irresponsible and showed no sense of responsibility or pride in the work. It's a surprise. However, if it's just a flow of work without checking, it doesn't have to be a human... This is exactly what I mean by "dangerous work". How should I help them by putting myself in the other person's position? Please do something a little more humane.

  • legit



    Although it is small, there are many staff members. Good because it's empty. Smaller locations are more open and you won't have to wait in line than larger locations such as the Central Post Office and Tsuchizaki Post Office. There is a parking lot for 4-5 cars, but it is small. The road is also narrow. The inside of the station is also small. An old lady in plain clothes is at the top, chatting with the station staff. The office staff looks at you and seems to be bothering you (lol). When it gets crowded, an old lady comes in to help, but she clearly doesn't like it (lol) This is a strange post office. But it's close and convenient, so I'll go there.

  • 海部



    Although it is a small station, there are many staff members.

  • 斉藤むーさん



    It depends on the date and day of the week, but it is relatively empty between 11am and 12pm.

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