Akita Cultural Industry Facility Matsushita (Akita Maiko Theatre) in Akita

JapanAkita Cultural Industry Facility Matsushita (Akita Maiko Theatre)



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-3 Senshūkōen, Akita, 010-0876, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 18-827-3241
webseite: matsushita-akita.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 39.7207491, Longitude: 140.1235981

kommentare 5

  • Romain Fortunier

    Romain Fortunier


    We have a delightful moment in Matsushita theater. Geishas and Maikos were very kind and professionnal. We definitely recommand you visit them during your stay in Akita! Chapeau !

  • Alessandro De Stasio

    Alessandro De Stasio


    I feel blessed to having had a chance to have a private tea cerimonie with the Alita Maiko, Mameka and Iroha. The conversation, the dance and chanting have been beautiful . Also getting to understand how important is to keep alive this tradition. This is now in their hands, and I hope that this tradition will revive attracting also more Japanese customers. 100% recommend.

  • Lancelot K

    Lancelot K


    Good experience to witness the dance and understand a bit more of the culture... Just that I don't understand Japanese 😂.

  • ken cheung

    ken cheung


    A cafe on the way up to senshu park. We went in at 5pm after a trek around the park, it wasn't very busy so mostly had the whole cafe to ourselves but as we heard a parade was going on in front of our hotel we got a take out. Sitting in coffee costs between 550-600 yen and takeout prices are all 300 yen. We got a matcha which was freshly brewed. Decent enough but have had better but on the other hand have tried worse ones. If there's spaces and you have time it's a nice enough place to while away an hour

  • Melissa Kai-Han Su

    Melissa Kai-Han Su


    A cozy place with kind and patient staffs. The cheese cake / honey butter toast with hot matcha are splendid!

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