Akihabara UDX Post Office w Chiyoda City

JaponiaAkihabara UDX Post Office



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Japan, 〒101-0021 Tokyo, Chiyoda City, Sotokanda, 4-chōme−14−1 秋葉原UDXビル 1階
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3251-7411
strona internetowej: map.japanpost.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6998341, Longitude: 139.7725006

komentarze 5

  • Amber M.

    Amber M.


    This post office worked very hard to help me send my collectable figures and toys home to Canada. The worker treated me with patience even when I made mistakes. Be aware: the workers do not speak English (and I would not expect them to! It's Japan!), and they used a pocket translator to communicate with me. I used Google translate to speak back. Thank you very much, Akihabara UDX Post Office! 💖 Thank you, thank you, thank you!! You're the best! Two large boxes of figures only cost $95 to send home (by sea). Protips: if you shopped too much in Akihabara and need to ship things home, you should make an account on Japan Post's website before you head to the post office (look up a youtube video on how to do it). Also make a list of the items in each box with the amount in yen. Bring bubble wrap if needed (pick up at nearby Daiso). Leave yourself lots of time because it can be a process to get things figured out!

  • Xiaolu Huang (Lulychee)

    Xiaolu Huang (Lulychee)


    They were really nice and helpful! I can’t speak Japanese at all so they were really patient using a translator and helping me pack my box! It just arrived a week later and I’m so happy! I went right when they opened so it was really empty I also used the atm here a few times while I was in Akihabara and it was really nice and quick because they had 3 and they all take American cards too

  • Jahid Hassan

    Jahid Hassan


    Though none of the staff can speak English, they are very helpful and will go extra steps to make your task a bit easier. Should have at least one English speaking staff.

  • Akram (Nidamah)

    Akram (Nidamah)


    When you card has an issue of demagnetisation and you cannot withdraw, they refuse to help you because the bank service closed 2min ago. Even if the post service is still open...

  • Senkan Koukuu

    Senkan Koukuu


    A post office that is colorfully decorated with painful(痛) posters. I never had the courage to take a picture but today I ventured in just for the shot. If you buy their Ita stamps the lady post officer sometimes comments on how well they sell. One of my favorite places in Japan for sure.

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