Akasaka Dori Post Office in Minato City

JapanAkasaka Dori Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-6-24 Akasaka, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-5563-9535
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6731044, Longitude: 139.7385311

kommentare 5

  • K



    The staff are kind and kind. It depends on the time of day, but we will respond smoothly. It's a waste that young staff members are having private conversations in a loud voice, so I think they should stop doing that.

  • J



    The post office is confusing at first because it is divided into the first floor and basement. The good thing about it is that it faces Akasaka Street and has good access. The ATM on the first floor is quite busy and sometimes there are lines.

  • H S

    H S


    [Updated on April 19, 2023] I visited for the first time because I wanted to send something. There are two reception desks for insurance and two reception desks for mail items. The insurance-related business was as quiet as ever, and the mail-related business was crowded, so Akasaka would like to have three mail-related counters.

  • Emmylou Cooke

    Emmylou Cooke


    I came here twice and had such a pleasant experience each time. Staff are friendly and helpful - such a different experience to Australia Post! We'll have to wait and see whether the parcel arrives, but did far so good!

  • Matthew Watts

    Matthew Watts


    They lost my insured EMS tracked parcel to the UK. The parcel never left Japan. Wouldn't trust them to run a bath.

nächste Post

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