Akasaka Dental Clinic w Minato City

JaponiaAkasaka Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒107-0052 Tokyo, Minato City, Akasaka, 3-chōme−8−15, The Akasaka, 2F
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3588-5088
strona internetowej: www.proteeth.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6760663, Longitude: 139.7371447

komentarze 5

  • takashi inoue

    takashi inoue


    I first visited him for treatment of cavities. The doctor who treated me was very thorough and explained the treatment methods in a clear and easy-to-understand manner, which made me feel at ease. I go to care every month for not only treatment but also preventive measures. The hygienist who is in charge of my care can also give me instructions on how to care for me at home, so I am doing my best to provide care at home! This is a wonderful clinic that not only provides treatment but also encourages you to work hard every day to have strong teeth!

  • 邑楽独楽(おうらこま)



    The anesthesia injection didn't hurt at all, and although it took some time (this may be due to the recent advances in medical equipment), the wisdom tooth came out. The quality of skill depends on the person, so some people are good at it and others are not. However, since it is a reservation system, there is no waiting time, it is clean, and there is no pressure on you. (Ceramic is better, or cleaning is better.) Personally, I'm satisfied.

  • 望月真由美



    I have been going to the hospital for nearly 10 years for implants, cavity treatment, and regular cleanings. I had the impression that being at the dentist was equivalent to being in pain, but you can receive treatment with peace of mind as you are constantly checked to see if it hurts, no matter how small the treatment, and if you can feel it when you are anesthetized. Treatment explanations, plans, and current conditions can be explained in detail with diagrams and photos. Implants are not cheap, but I don't think they are expensive considering they are used every day. I am grateful that I can use them as comfortably as my own teeth. Both the receptionist and the hygienist are always cheerful and pleasant. After cleaning, not only will your teeth feel refreshed, but you will also be able to find small cavities, which is a good thing. Plaque must be removed by a professional. I would like to continue to take care of you.

  • kichi turi

    kichi turi


    The inside of the hospital was very clean and there was almost no waiting time. I was able to make an appointment at the specified time and receive treatment. I had my teeth cleaned and was advised to have my wisdom teeth removed. After receiving a thorough explanation and being satisfied, I requested a tooth extraction on a different day. However, there was a problem with the anesthesia used during tooth extraction. Even though I received topical anesthesia, I felt some pain when the needle was inserted. (I have never experienced this at other dental clinics) Furthermore, the tooth extraction started before the anesthesia had fully taken effect, and I had to stop the treatment twice due to the pain. (The wisdom tooth that was extracted was an upper tooth that had grown straight.) Furthermore, during the tooth extraction process, the instruments hit other teeth, and I did not feel that the procedure was efficient. The female doctor who treated me didn't really apologize and I felt very uncomfortable emotionally. I also felt that there was a problem with the dentist's technique.

  • Antonis Metalinos

    Antonis Metalinos


    Visited for check up and cleaning close to my office. It was very clean and the doctor and the assistants were very polite and helpful. They provided the initial questionnaire in English but the doctor and the assistant spoke in simple Japanese that was easily understood with basic Japanese knowledge. The cleaning itself was done very well and no pain was felt. I will keep visiting.

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