Ain Soph. Ginza w Chuo City

JaponiaAin Soph. Ginza



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-chōme-12-1 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-6228-4241
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.670184, Longitude: 139.767976

komentarze 5

  • Laura Puranaite

    Laura Puranaite


    Top notch service and food. I had the pancakes and they are worth every penny. It comes with a salad, which is delicious - it seems every ingredient is thought through and intentional. Would come back for sure.

  • Alex Cavanaugh

    Alex Cavanaugh


    Everything here is great but you HAVE to get the pancakes. We got the seasonal strawberry pancake dish and I think it's the best pancake I've ever had. Their to-go tiramisu's were amazing as well and I highly recommend them.

  • Rachele Wharton

    Rachele Wharton


    We stopped on for lunch and were delighted with the vegan menu and attentive service. The restaurant is on the third floor. The smooth concrete walls and wood floors/trim contribute to the building’s charm. My husband had the mushroom hayashi rice (in a brown tomato gravy) entree and I had the bento box. The salad and dressing were fresh, light, and flavorful. Some of the reviews imply that it’s expensive for small portions, but I thought the portions were generous. I believe you get what you pay for. It costs more to use quality ingredients , especially when using plant-based ingredients not pre-made products. This restaurant only uses fresh healthy ingredients. We really enjoyed our time here and highly recommend you trying as well. Enjoy!

  • N P

    N P


    I agree with other reviewers that it’s overpriced. The workers are very nice to foreigners and it was nice to see a vegan spot that wasn’t too far but the food was just okay. I got the mushroom dish and the sauce was too tomato-y for my taste. The salad that came with the meal was good and I really liked the iced soy matcha latte. I got the chocolate gateau cake and it was still frozen in the middle. The ambiance is pretty and most other people there were foreigners.

  • randall



    Walked past and saw their pudding, and it looked pretty good! Decided to buy one home to try and boy I was surprised! It was very very tasty and the texture was excellent too. Found this place by luck and I'm definitely heading back again some time! But I gotta say for 770 yen, 1 pudding is pretty expensive. But for what it is, if you're vegan, this is definitely worth it.

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