Aiiku Dental Clinic w Sanjo

JaponiaAiiku Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-2-58 Kōya, Sanjo, Niigata 955-0046, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 256-33-8088
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.6318238, Longitude: 138.9710899

komentarze 5

  • 陳惠萍



    He is a very easy-to-go dentist with thorough explanations and good treatment. Over the past two years, my child's teeth have become straighter and I am very happy.

  • ハルキィ



    I had my wisdom teeth removed and it didn't hurt at all! ! The atmosphere of the clinic is also very nice! Can I use PayPay etc? I would appreciate it if you could write down the payment method somewhere.

  • ゆめ



    I went there for mouthpiece correction. I was very anxious at first, but thanks to the careful treatment I received and the kind attention I had to listening to my concerns and questions, I was able to go to the treatment with peace of mind. Now, my teeth are perfectly aligned and my family and friends compliment me, which makes me very happy!

  • mado



    It took about a year and a half to complete the mouthpiece correction. Thank you for accepting my request even though I had moved from another area and was still in the process of leaving another hospital. I have successfully got my teeth straightened. We would like to thank everyone, including the reception staff, dental hygienist, and director, for their kind support over the long term.

  • m k

    m k


    Treatments that were painful and painful at other dentists were completed painlessly here. This is a clean clinic that I would definitely recommend to anyone who has had a traumatizing visit to the dentist. We will explain in detail how the treatment will proceed, so you can be sure that it is easy to understand and that you are satisfied with your treatment.

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