Aieitakao Dental Clinic in Okayama

JapanAieitakao Dental Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

402-7 Monzen, Kita Ward, Okayama, 701-1351, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 86-287-7651
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.6960227, Longitude: 133.8072083

kommentare 5

  • みなみん



    It may or may not suit each person, but I believe that the doctor will give you the correct treatment. I don't know if it's cheap or expensive...but anyway, it's important to brush your teeth daily to prevent it from happening again, and they will carefully teach you the recommended toothbrush and brushing method. Thanks to that, when the pain came back, I was able to deal with it myself and get better.

  • Y社長



    When I went there in a hurry because I had a cavity, they told me to brush my teeth because I wasn't brushing them properly.My tooth was in pain and I wanted them to treat the cavity, but instead of treating it, they just made me buy expensive toothpaste and sent me home. . I will never go there again.

  • 徳川家康



    I've been going to other dentists for many years, but by far the treatment progress was faster, I didn't have to go back and forth for treatment, and the cost was cheaper. I had similar treatments done elsewhere, including anesthesia for nerves, but the cost was much cheaper at other dentists. I don't recommend it.

  • ひでなり



    I was given a personal examination. I think this is a reliable clinic.

  • Sd H.

    Sd H.


    There is no need to worry about your surroundings in the examination room, which is like a private room with partitions! They also incorporate relatively new technology in terms of treatment (I think so lol).

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