Ai Dental Clinic i Kitakyushu

JapanAi Dental Clinic



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4-26 Yachiyomachi, Yahatanishi Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 806-0023, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 120-621-418
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8646054, Longitude: 130.7722749

kommentar 5

  • 谷岡建



    I have been going to the hospital since I had my wisdom teeth removed. I had all four of them removed and the treatment went smoothly. Afterwards, we provide high-pressure cleaning and gum maintenance. Medical and technical topics are difficult, but he always explains them carefully and even explains things outside of his field of expertise to the extent that he understands them. Although he sometimes recommends treatments that are not covered by insurance, he is a doctor who respects my wishes and makes adjustments immediately when I feel uncomfortable.

  • ぴろみん



    I've been going here for over 10 years. He explains everything in a way that is easy to understand. The teachers and staff are always very responsive. Maintenance once a month is essential for me.

  • 山口淳子



    The teachers are polite and kind. I am very grateful that I have a childcare worker and can go to the hospital with my child. Even though it is a normal treatment, there are some treatments that are not covered by insurance, so it is better to listen to the explanation carefully.

  • 橋本彩華



    Even though it was just a patch test, my teeth were also seen. I don't understand the meaning of X-rays and 3D images. I was told on the phone that it would be 33,000 yen. It cost 36,560 yen, and it's just a rip-off. I came to take a patch test. My teeth were seen and I need treatment. I don't even know what that means lol. I was told to make an appointment as soon as I get the results. Even though I just heard the results, I looked at my teeth again. Then 2,3000 yen will be charged. It's a rip-off, yes. Everyone, it's better not to go.

  • D Sunny

    D Sunny


    When I fell and broke one of my front teeth, I had a clean tooth replaced in one day. What's more, I had to leave my nerves behind. It was a great help as I had work to do. The doctor carefully explained the treatment method before the treatment, which made me feel at ease. The dental hygienist was also kind and took care of the X-rays, teeth cleaning, and impressions, all with a kind smile until the end. The atmosphere inside the hospital is friendly and I highly recommend it.

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