アグネス ホテル アンド アパートメンツ 東京 i Shinjuku-ku

Japanアグネス ホテル アンド アパートメンツ 東京


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Japan, 〒162-0825 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Kagurazaka, 2 Chome−20−1
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3267-5505
internet side: www.agneshotel.com
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Latitude: 35.6999654, Longitude: 139.7404088

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hironobu Shibuya


    I'm a regular customer. By far the best hotel in Tokyo for the price. A tastful decor & great buffet breakfast.

  • Skylar Fried

    Skylar Fried


    Excellent service and very comfortable rooms. Staff speaks enough English to get by. Many excellent bars and restaurants within walking distance.

  • Mata Kranakis

    Mata Kranakis


    Lovely hotel, compact rooms but friendly service and great amenities

  • en

    Ana Escudero


    The food is not worth the effort. I would avoid at all cost.

  • Thomas Roux

    Thomas Roux


    Outside the hotel is a small shop belonging to it. It's a "French" cake maker. I decided to have one of their specialties on the terrace. The renard looks nice from outside, inside is less aesthetic, so I didn't take a picture after I started eating it. But trust me, the chocolate, hazelnuts, caramel and orange flavors, married in mousse, cream, jam, chunks, whatever you call it... layers was delicious. Nice place, that I recommend visiting during spring , summer or fall, as right now it becomes quickly cold after the sun has gone behind the first building (Yes, Tokyo is Tokyo, you can't expect direct sunlight very long here).

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