AGAスキンクリニック小倉院 in Kitakyushu




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Japan, 〒802-0001 Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Kokurakita Ward, Asano, 1-chōme−1−1 JR九州小倉駅北口ビル 5F
kontakte telefon: +81 50-5527-0302
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.8877441, Longitude: 130.8823214

kommentare 5

  • 真一見立(真一見立)



    I saw an advertisement on YouTube that said, ``Due to the lack of customers, we will waive all medical fees (blood draws, etc.) and hair growth medication for 12 months, so please come as a monitor,'' so I made an appointment and went. . Immediately after filling out the medical history, I was asked, ``What did you see before taking the test?'' When I told him that, I was informed that the plan (oral medicine, topical medicine, etc.) would be 990,000 yen per year, but not for free. It was said that only 12 months (70,000 yen) can be made free of charge! I was asked, ``It will cost 920,000 yen, but would you still like to have a scalp test and blood sample taken?'' I was told that if I couldn't do it, I wouldn't have to do the test, so I declined! When I asked him if the content was completely different from the advertisement, he said, ``That's right. We have asked the headquarters many times to shut down that YouTube service, but they haven't stopped it.'' Ta! It was really a waste of time!

  • eagh



    It was the worst because there was no proper explanation. Even though I worked so hard, I was wasting my time and money. I regret that I wish I had accumulated more knowledge on my own.

  • ああ



    You should seriously quit. too high. I was recommended a helmet that cost 300,000 yen, which I didn't understand. Online medical treatment is about one-fifth the cost, and the ingredients of the medicines are about the same. In this day and age, there is no point in going to the hospital and receiving medical treatment. There's no way a company that recommends a plan that costs 1 million yen a year is better.

  • 遊騎



    I think it's been about 2 years since I started going to the clinic because I was worried about thinning hair.I can't say for sure because the actual results differ from person to person, but my hair loss has decreased.

  • ちゃーこ



    It's been a few months since I started treatment, but I have noticed that the amount of hair has increased considerably. All the staff are kind and very easy to get to.

nächste Krankenhaus

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