AGAスキンクリニック広島院 en Hiroshima




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Japan, 〒730-0034 Hiroshima, Naka Ward, Shintenchi, 2, 2⁻7 広島ゼロゲート3F
contactos teléfono: +81 50-5527-0298
sitio web:
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Latitude: 34.3916652, Longitude: 132.4625137

comentarios 5

  • I M

    I M


    At the time of signing the contract, I was only told the most expensive 5-year loan without any consultation.In the end, I was told that it would be cheaper due to a campaign, so I signed a contract with Tablet ABC for 2 months with a total credit payment of about 200,000 yen. However, when I looked at it later, it was the amount written on the internet. Seriously, it doesn't change the meaning...I was fooled... I think it's the worst thing to introduce something like that because if you take out a loan for 5 years, you'll waste a lot of money. The effect is small, but it's about as good as it gets. Also, I was told that I felt safe because I had a doctor, but the only time I saw the doctor was to give him some precautions, and I haven't seen him since. I don't know where I feel safe. Moreover, when I asked her about whether finasteride or Dutas was better at that time, she treated me lightly. After that, I went to get medicine twice, but they just took a photo and handed me the medicine. Then I sent it by mail, but was told that the last two months' worth of money would not be given to me unless I received it in person. I want to quit here... In my case, there are no side effects, and it's definitely cheaper to buy online.

  • アリタアキト



    I have been working with you for about half a year. The inside of the salon is very clean and even before the reception, it looks like a fashionable beauty salon. Prices are higher compared to online-only clinics I feel at ease because I can receive treatment while being properly examined by a doctor. When I experienced palpitations as a side effect, I immediately consulted a doctor and was able to reduce the amount of medication, which I am still able to continue taking with peace of mind.

  • W W

    W W


    If you're going to receive treatment expecting a campaign that says, ``If it doesn't work, you'll get a full refund,'' first take a photo record yourself. No matter how much you tell them verbally, no refunds will be given. I took injections and 3 types of medicine, but nothing worked.

  • 28 Yamaishi

    28 Yamaishi


    I signed a one-year contract starting January 2021. There are many options to choose from, but I chose Minokki Jet, an outpatient medication that is sprayed directly onto the scalp, and oral medication, which consists of three types, A, B, and C (take the three types twice a day in the morning and evening, after meals). First, let's talk about the effects of the drug. I felt that it was effective. There was some initial hair loss that occurred within the first month or two, and I think that the crown of my head became a little darker after that. The only thing I didn't like was the way they treated me, which I felt was dishonest. During the counseling session before signing the contract, I was told, ``We are a clinic and a hospital. We do this as a treatment. Also, it takes a certain amount of time for the results to appear, and there are individual differences.'' That makes sense. Since it's about the human body, I think it's something that changes gradually with continued practice, like weight training. However, if that's the case, why do we make them fill out satisfaction surveys from the first month? Even when people ask me, ``Have you gained confidence as a man?'' . . And the survey was only for the first three months. None after that. If you're going to do it, shouldn't you do it every month and see how the results change? And the mid-way examination and the final examination are sloppy. The only time we used a scope camera to check the scalp was during the pre-contract counseling session. After that it has never been used. The check after six months and one year ended by comparing the poor quality printouts and asking, ``What do you think??'' I thought it was a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, but there was no explanation, and I was asked, ``Aren't you going to use a camera?'' and ``That's only for the beginning.'' If they said they were a "clinic. We provide treatment" during counseling, shouldn't they give a convincing examination? I thought that if you broke a bone, you would have to take regular X-rays to check on the progress. Please do not refer to your business as a clinic. If you're going to pick up your medicine through an inconvenient reservation system, why not go to a drugstore? I was disappointed in the poor management attitude, thinking that I would have to pay a not-so-cheap amount for this. I have written that the medicine is effective, but I do not feel that it is extremely effective. Honestly, you'd be better off finding somewhere more sensible. I took the test at Hiroshima Clinic, but I have a lot of disbelief that this may be the case nationwide.

  • リッカルド



    At first I was skeptical. If it worked that quickly, everyone wouldn't have to suffer so much. and. I started treatment with Rebirth Tablet AB, which was recommended by my counselor. The 12-month course costs 14,000 yen per month. One day, three months after I started treatment, a friend asked me, ``Huh? Have you grown more hair?'' and showed me a photo of the top of my head, and I was shocked. I didn't notice it because it was hard to see, but the amount of hair had clearly increased, and I couldn't stop laughing with surprise and joy.

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