Aeon Inage w Chiba

JaponiaAeon Inage



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-4-20 Konakadai, Inage Ward, Chiba, 263-0043, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 43-251-3211
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.636934, Longitude: 140.0952624

komentarze 5

  • Larry G8

    Larry G8


    The large and extensive supermarket has a wide variety of products sold there and is an array of essential items there. There are multiple floors and even a food court. It is also convenient because it is within walking distance of the station.

  • Sean Robinson (Seany)

    Sean Robinson (Seany)


    It’s good that it opens fairly late but the supermarket itself is quite poor. The meat selection is low quality for me without actually being a low price. The staff have always been really nice but the self checkout points are horrible. The machine often has an issue so the staff have to come over before you can continue. I just think if I have to do it myself when I don’t even work there, there should be a discount or at least make it fast and convenient. If you just put the two staff overseeing it on a register it would probably be faster for everyone involved and surely cheaper since you pay them anyway. It takes me about the same amount of time to walk to a yaoko supermarket and another one which both have better selection and prices so if I can help it I avoid aeon.

  • Samimuzzaman



    Very close to Inage JR station. Basement floor has food court, groceries, vegetables, fish n meat, fruits and other raw items. Aeon bike is available on first floor. On the same floor cosmetic items, cloths, Seiyu are available. Honeys (ladies fashion shop), other cloths for male and female are available on second floor. On the 3rd floor, household goods are available. Aeon Inage branch offers bicycle free parking for 3 hours. You need to pay 100 yen if you cross the time limit. You can park your car as well. But for free parking you need to ask free parking ticket from the cash counter and obviously you have to buy items from Aeon to get free one. Aeon has clean toilets each floor. It’s overall convenient for the customers, I think.

  • Mitra Safavi

    Mitra Safavi


    The shopping complex provides a good range of eating options. There is noodle restaurant on the ground floor, serving really delicious noodle soups. There is a 100 yen shop on the first floor which comes in handy if you are looking for cutlery or cleaning/washing equipment.

  • PCJF



    Big department store. Convenient supermarket and food court on lower level. Departments are a bit scattered though if you need to find things. Supermarket can get busy with narrow aisles. Go on Tuesdays for a lot of prepared raw and cooked foods.

najbliższy Supermarket

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