Aeon en Niigata




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2-chōme-1-10 Koshinminami, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-2028, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 25-234-3100
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.8682902, Longitude: 138.9947052

comentarios 5

  • Peter Kam Fai Cheung

    Peter Kam Fai Cheung


    Having shopped at Nitoria nearby on April 5, 2024, my wife, our younger daughter, and I came here for food. It was 8pm and we found the food court was closed although the supermarket remained open until 11pm. We just used the toilets and went elsewhere. Postscript After dinner in a nearby restaurant, we shopped in the supermarket here. Among other things, we bought a giant strawberry that was freshly picked up hours ago!

  • Celestine



    There’s nothing much in this mall.

  • Irresistibly Careless

    Irresistibly Careless


    Tuesday is the day to shop here. I buy a lot of fancy bread at the bakery. Most of them are 110 yen each. Good stuff.

  • Dipen Lamichhane

    Dipen Lamichhane


    This store is nice. Not so crowded and parking lot is big. Staffs are always helpful. Not much restaurant are here but they have wide varieties of products on the store. Game center at 3rd floor is nice. Table tennis board with bat/ball rental at Yen 500 for 30 minutes is great.

  • Peter Iori Kobayashi

    Peter Iori Kobayashi


    My favorite hangout. Not so crowded at any time except weekends.

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