Adachi Nishi Post Office in Adachi City

JapanAdachi Nishi Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

4-chōme-4-30 Nishiaraihonchō, Adachi City, Tokyo 123-8799, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3896-2123
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.772344, Longitude: 139.780818

kommentare 5

  • はやし林



    On Saturday, I put it in the mailbox before collection and it was picked up, but it's been 2 days and there's no sign of it moving at all. . . Katsushika Shinjuku is bad, but I think this place is also pretty bad. What's going on? I want you to work hard

  • S I

    S I


    The wrong delivery was made. My luggage remains lost. Although I pointed out the leakage of personal information, I was taken aback by the remark that blamed others, as if it was the fault of the person who received the package even though it was delivered incorrectly, and not the post office's fault. Even so, I would like you to show your sincerity. I don't think there is any other post office where the staff and quality are so bad. I don't want to have anything to do with it if possible.

  • Paris Victoria

    Paris Victoria


    This is a large post office in this area. There are only a few postal counters, so there are likely to be busy times. It seems like they have a certain number of staff, so I guess it depends on the timing. There were also many sales and events. I think the method for selling commemorative stamps is easy to understand.

  • Joshua K

    Joshua K


    Because I can't speak Japanese, a staff member made fun of me very unreasonably.

  • Super S

    Super S


    Even though I can't speak Japanese, I was able to open an account with the help of my wife. I wasn't able to do that at the SMBC up the road. This bank is much better for those who can't speak Japanese.

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