Adachi Dental Clinic in Kurashiki

JapanAdachi Dental Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1032-1 Nishiachichō, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0807, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 86-466-6699
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.5894164, Longitude: 133.7271902

kommentare 5

  • Rojer Bertled

    Rojer Bertled


    The treatment staff is the best 😀 The reception (lol)

  • mii suke

    mii suke


    I am impressed by the attitude of the reception staff in responding to patients' requests. The hygienist is clean and cheerful. The teacher has great knowledge and skills This dental clinic is so popular that it's hard to get an appointment, but that's understandable.

  • e n

    e n


    I've been taking care of my scaling, but I'm not good at it, but the tartar doesn't come off properly every time. Especially the lower front teeth. I'm not the type to have tartar on my teeth to begin with. I feel like I'm losing money by spending money.

  • ろっぴ



    I think the receptionists who have been there since the beginning should change their attitude... And I can't help but feel that treatment is being delayed.

  • uranchin o

    uranchin o


    It's very popular and you can't get reservations every week, but I think there's definitely a reason why you can't get reservations every week. It's clean, stylish, private rooms, quick turnover, and the teachers are polite and painless. That's why it's popular. I don't feel like going anywhere else

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