Ace Inn Shinjuku en Shinjuku-ku

JapónAce Inn Shinjuku


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5-3 Katamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tōkyō-to 160-0001, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3350-6655
sitio web:
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Latitude: 35.6925119, Longitude: 139.7243036

comentarios 5

  • Ricky Smith

    Ricky Smith


    Location great. Staff great. Beds in dorm are not so great. Do not expect a mattress or a duvet that covers you. I had to choose between keeping my feet or my chest warm.

  • en



    Affordable while being in the center of Tokyo. Very friendly staff. Capsules with an option for more privacy. However, some sleeping areas can be very dim at night. Chilly in winter. Coin-operated showers. An ofuro room is available for an extra fee.

  • Raphaëlle Butteau

    Raphaëlle Butteau


    Very friendly and available staff. Showers are clean and individual. But we couldn't sleep because of the Japanesingly thin mattresses ! If it's no bother to you, go ahead, but I for one barely got 4 hours of sleep every night

  • Kevin Neufeld

    Kevin Neufeld


    Wonderful staff, clean space to sleep, & quiet environment. Ps free coffee and green tea!

  • Septimiu Catona

    Septimiu Catona


    Ace Inn Shinjuku is perfectly located between Shinjuku and Chiyoda, right in the core of Tokyo. However, is not as close to Shinjuku Station as you could think, considering the name. The nearest subway station is Akebonobashi (Toei line), 2 station away of Shinjuku. The place is very clean, comfortable, the staff speaks English quite well, the only minus is that the showers are located one level below ground floor. Also, for taking a shower you'll need 100 Yen (1 US dollar), no big deal, but it had to be mentioned. The common space is located at the last level, the 8th floor and has a great view of Tokyo (it would have been even better if the building was taller).

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