Academy Dental Clinic Gifu in Gifu

JapanAcademy Dental Clinic Gifu



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9-chōme-18-14 Kitaisshiki, Gifu, 500-8227, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 58-240-7888
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.4137681, Longitude: 136.7955597

kommentare 5

  • Noriko Goto

    Noriko Goto


    My back tooth, which had a filling left untreated, started to hurt, so I Enter this clinic that allows you to make online reservations in one month at the earliest. However, the pain got worse so I called and was told that the treatment would be done on the same day. The building I arrived at using Google Maps I was worried because there were signs saying things like "Implant" and "Full Body Occlusion Center," but it turned out to be a regular dental clinic. Rather, it's only cosmetic dentistry, and even though it's an insurance treatment, the result is very beautiful! Every time I get home, I look in the mirror and feel satisfied. I was relieved when I was told that I didn't need implants because I still had all my teeth. For the first time in a while, I wanted to properly treat my teeth and live the rest of my life in good health ♡

  • りょうりょう



    Sorry for always contacting you so suddenly. Even if you complain of pain, other dentists will only see you after a week, but here you can see us happily! What's more, when you have time, you can be examined for a longer period of time, which is very helpful as you can reduce the number of visits. I left her alone during the treatment, but she didn't get angry or belittle me lol. You can continue to see us! I can leave it to you with peace of mind as I will give you detailed explanations. I can't thank you enough for taking care of my crooked and dirty teeth!

  • M K (ま い)

    M K (ま い)


    I am only dissatisfied with the treatment as it is performed without any explanation of the treatment details. I think it would be good if I could say a few words before I delete it. Anyone would be shocked if their teeth were suddenly ground down to a very small size. During this period, my left and right molars were treated at the same time, and chewing food was painful. Temporary fillings often come off Once my current treatment is over, I will never go back again. If you know of a good dentist, please introduce me.

  • Hideaki Yamada

    Hideaki Yamada


    Reservation management is sloppy! Even if you arrive before your reservation time, you will be put off by 3 to 4 people who came later and there will be no explanation! Appropriate explanation even if you inquire by phone Previously, I had taken a half-day off from work and made an appointment to go to the hospital, but I received a phone call on the same day asking me to cancel because I had a treatment scheduled. I would like my vacation time refunded.

  • ねこえ



    Our staff will suggest better treatments. Even during long-term treatment, he makes me think, ``I'll do my best to get better!'' It is best to consult with us immediately if you have any concerns. This is a clinic that takes the patient's voice seriously 👍

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