A-Price en Iwakuni




🕗 horarios

2-chōme-7-48 Tateishimachi, Iwakuni, Yamaguchi 740-0011, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 827-24-6811
sitio web: tcc.to-ho.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.177427, Longitude: 132.226078

comentarios 5

  • gress nora (noragress)

    gress nora (noragress)


    We carry a wide variety of commercial-sized foods. I think it's cost-effective for ordinary households if you use refrigeration and freezing properly depending on the item. If there are many items, they will be placed in cardboard boxes.

  • 21soulmusic



    If you want to find some western food products this is a great place to shop. The prices are reasonable with many items available in bulk. Go explore. You are guaranteed to find something interesting to try.

  • Jelma Lligan

    Jelma Lligan


    Is a frozen product for the meat, you can buy also wholesale and retail price.. if you are looking a container of a cooked food you can buy here also Retail or wholesale

  • Fajar Yurinto

    Fajar Yurinto


    their staff service was very good

  • Kathryn Spoor

    Kathryn Spoor


    This is a great shop. The staff is friendly, prices are fair and the selection is pretty good considering. However, it's important to keep in mind that this is not REALLY a grocery store as much as it is a restaurant supply store. That being said you'll find larger quantities so if you're not wanting to buy in bulk this might not be the place for you. This is a great stop if you're preparing for a party or the holiday though.

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