A Coop Miyagi w Maebashi

JaponiaA Coop Miyagi



🕗 godziny otwarcia

198-11 Hanageishimachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0244, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 27-283-2522
strona internetowej: www.acoop-east-t.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.4377043, Longitude: 139.1768361

komentarze 5

  • ドルニエ弐壱七(Do 217)

    ドルニエ弐壱七(Do 217)


    It's a small supermarket. This is valuable because there is only a supermarket nearby. The store is not large, so the selection may be limited, but most of the standard foods are available. Bread is only available in bags from major brands, and I think it's a little expensive, probably because they don't offer discounts. Maybe there isn't much good meat available, or the good meat is sold out early, so it's not often available after the evening. Vegetables aren't cheap, but I think you can buy a decent amount. Although the store is small, I think they have a lot of prepared food and bento sections. Although there are no competing stores nearby, bento boxes and side dishes are reasonably priced and taste good, but recently, perhaps because the ingredients are expensive, there has been an increase in the number of bento boxes containing rice and noodles that are high in carbohydrates. Discount stickers are pasted in the evening, but I think people tend to stop pasting the stickers and withdraw if they wait nearby to apply the stickers or put the items back in the cart and wait for the stickers. I am. I feel like this tendency is more noticeable when someone, probably the store manager, puts a sticker on the item. It seems like they won't put stickers on the stickers unless there are a certain number of customers, not just at certain times of the day, so you can wait and see what happens, but if you're careless, the items that were half price will disappear in a short period of time, If you aim too hard and don't buy at the regular price, your production will be cut down and you won't be able to buy it anymore.A-Corp is also a business and can be considered a member of the agricultural cooperative, so you should buy at the regular price once in a while. postscript) As expected, production of bento side dishes has been reduced, and by the time I stopped by after work, they were sold out. If they don't sell it, it can't be helped, so I'll buy it at Basia, etc. below, and then go home. P.S.2 I've always thought this, but tomatoes aren't very good. The tomatoes lined up in stores are at the very edge of freshness, and in many cases, the surface is on the verge of becoming mushy. Still, the core has a slightly bluish smell and it's not cheap, so I only buy it when I don't have to go to another store. The Torisen is not very good, but the tomatoes here are also quite aggressive. If you're going to buy it at a supermarket, it seems best to go to Basia.

  • さぶろく



    I often use it when heading to Miyagi Gymnasium. I don't think the prices are particularly cheap, but the sushi and sashimi are amazing💨 It's frustrating that it's always sold out (ToT) It feels good to see how efficient the cash register is 😊 Please note that business hours include summer and winter time.

  • gascan31



    Most of the beef and pork we sell comes from within the prefecture. It's also high quality and cheap compared to other supermarkets. This is my favorite supermarket.

  • Oo Pop

    Oo Pop


    Since we are part of the A Corp Group, there are basically no hits or misses with our products. On the contrary, the price is relatively high. The average age of the customers is over 65. Time is passing slowly. I'm actually giving it three stars, but the parking lot is really small. 2 stars because it's hard to go out on the street.

  • 齋藤公男



    It is better to check the farmers' direct sales section for fresh vegetables before buying them. Other items are slightly more expensive depending on the area, but bargain items are cheaper. It is a store that is indispensable to the local area.

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