A Coop Kiire en Kagoshima

JapónA Coop Kiire



🕗 horarios

7096 Kiirechō, Kagoshima, 891-0203, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 99-345-1010
sitio web: acoop-ks.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 31.3724274, Longitude: 130.5403662

comentarios 5

  • karu gon

    karu gon


    Thinking positively that you can buy drinks at a cheaper price than from a vending machine lol As it is a small store, the product range is

  • うーたん



    The store is small, but they have fresh meat and fish that I use. You can shop with peace of mind as the freshness is controlled and the cashier is careful.

  • Iwasaki mizba

    Iwasaki mizba


    They sell Kiiri miso and I bought it. I miss the old-fashioned miso♪(´ε`) The vegetables grown by the farmers were delicious!

  • 極虎



    It will be in the same building as Kiiri Agricultural Cooperative. I felt that the entrance was not very noticeable and the interior was a little dark. Maybe the store staff? I think you are being treated in a kind and courteous manner.

  • Sandy Juhasz

    Sandy Juhasz


    It’s a small store in Kagoshima city. The staff are friendly and helpful.

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