A Coop Daishoji i Akita

JapanA Coop Daishoji



🕗 åbningstider

Motoyashiki-1-1 Yūwaarawa, Akita, 010-1341, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 18-887-2236
internet side: www.ja-lifesv.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 39.5307973, Longitude: 140.2295589

kommentar 5

  • 金義英



    Sometimes I buy cigarettes on the way back from my hometown hot spring. It seems that you can use mobile smartphone payments like Lawson Yuwa for shopping and au pay at A-Corp, but I don't know if you can use it at A-Corp in the countryside. I would like to introduce it if possible.

  • 新波寿司大好き



    This is a supermarket located in the Yuwashinba area. It is an indispensable shop in the area, and is a popular place for festivals in the summer, but due to the coronavirus, festivals have been suspended for a while. How about this year? Recently, a kick car has appeared outside the store, and I would definitely like to try it out next time. Due to the soaring egg prices, there was a rush when the store opened at 9:30 on the day of the sale😅 But it's helpful ♪ In addition to electronic money, you can now pay by card♪

  • anthroid (あんすろいど)

    anthroid (あんすろいど)


    There are no shops around, so it's indispensable. There are no stores as far as A Coop in Ouchi (18km), Max Valu in Kariwano (14km), Aeon & Jaymaru in Goshono (18km), and Marudai & Biffre in Onoba (24km).

  • インテリDQN



    A supermarket located in a remote area, perhaps a solitary island. I've been here a few times while touring, and I can buy things fairly cheaply. I think it's an indispensable place in the area, so I'd like to see it continue to exist.

  • まつじゅん。



    I stopped by on my way touring from Saitama! thank you very much! (^^)

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