77 Bank Minamiyagiyama en Sendai

Japón77 Bank Minamiyagiyama



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-1-6 Yagiyamaminami, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0807, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-243-2151
sitio web: www.77bank.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2341583, Longitude: 140.8359968

comentarios 5

  • 三浦千枝子



    He even went out of his way to come with a CD to teach me how to use it.

  • チョコキ



    Compared to other 77 banks It's strange that there are so few customers, but the waiting time is so long every time.

  • Ami



    The building collapsed in the earthquake and the store was closed for a while, but it has reopened. The number of 77 Bank branches is gradually decreasing. I myself have started using online banking, which is easy to use, and now I only have to do the bookkeeping from time to time, but this is an area where there are many elderly people, so I want the store to do its best and survive. The parking lot is relatively spacious and a security guard will guide you on busy days. There are only 3 ATMs, so you may have to wait in line for a long time after holidays or at the end of the month. Waiting times at the counter can be long depending on the day and time, so if you're busy, it's best to wait and avoid going on days when there are a lot of cars parked. The other day I inquired about something a little complicated, but the person who answered the question responded appropriately and politely, which was very helpful.

  • 土田斉知



    I used it to exchange money, and it was a wonderful bank branch with very nice customer service from the female staff member. It felt good and wasn't too heavy, and the service was polite and smooth. I wanted to go again. You can leave it to us with peace of mind. Thank you very much for your kind response.

  • air chariot (ちゃり)

    air chariot (ちゃり)


    Since the earthquake in March 2022, both counters and ATMs have been closed, but a new ATM corner has been set up in the corner of the parking lot and will be available for use from May 2nd. There were two automatic cash withdrawal machines (cash dispensers) inside. However, as the flyer states, coins cannot be used. Please be careful as the input slot is blocked. 【postscript】 When I passed by in late June 2022, I saw a banner saying that it was scheduled to reopen on "November 21, 2022" (see photo).

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